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The Cambridge Guide to the UK’s EU Referendum

As we approach the historic Referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union on 23 June, we will be highlighting key themes and research relating to the EU debate, and providing relevant contributions from Cambridge authors on these issues. Please browse below for free journal articles and sample book chapters, and check back regularly for new blog content from our leading specialists.

We begin with a key question: The Referendum Conundrum: Referenda or Referendums? (J. Tobin Grant and Yasuko Taoka, PS: Political Science and Politics, 44/3)

Referendum Topics

The History and Political Science of EU Referenda

Free research articles

Visions of Europe: emerging challenges for the European project in the aftermath of the 2014 European Parliament elections
Arianna Giovannini, Laura Polverari and Antonella Seddone
Italian Political Science Review, FirstView

Voting for Change: Calculation, Community, and Euro Referendums
Joseph Jupille and David Leblang
International Organization, 61/4

International Treaty Ratification and Party Competition: Theory and Evidence from the EU's Constitutional Treaty*
Andreas Dür and Nikitas Konstantinidis
Political Science Research and Methods, 1/2

Contesting Europe: the constitutive impact of discursive dynamics on national referendum campaigns
Stefan Seidendorf
European Political Science Review, 2/3

The “No” Vote in the French and Dutch Referenda on the EU Constitution: A Spillover of Consequences for the Wider Europe
Boyka Stefanova
PS: Political Science and Politics, 39/2

The Difficulty of Justifying European Integration as a Consequence of Depoliticization: Evidence from the 2005 French Referendum
Andrew Glencross
Government & Opposition, 44/3

The Dutch Referendum
Arjen Nijeboer
European Constitutional Law Review, 1/3

Ireland’s Nice Referenda
Cathryn Costello
European Constitutional Law Review, 1/3

The Danish EMU Referendum 2000: Business as Usual
Martin Marcussen and Mette Zølner
Government & Opposition, 36/3

Public Attitudes Towards the EU

Free research articles

Show the money first! Recent public attitudes towards the EU in Italy
Nicolò Contic1and Vincenzo Memoli
Italian Political Science Review, 45/1

Signs of Europeanization?: the 2014 EP election in European newspapers
Marinella Belluati
Italian Political Science Review, FirstView

Understanding the Formation and Actions of Eurosceptic Groups in the European Parliament: Pragmatism, Principles and Publicity
Richard Whitaker and Philip Lynch
Government & Opposition 49/2

Political party contestation over Europe in the mass media: who criticizes Europe, how, and why?
Paul Statham and Ruud Koopmans
European Political Science Review, 1/3

Does Identity or Economic Rationality Drive Public Opinion on European Integration?[DM1] 
Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks
PS: Political Science and Politics, 37/4

Ambivalent Europeans? Public Support for European Integration in East and West
Catherine de Vries
Government & Opposition 48/3

The dynamics of support: the winners–losers gap in attitudes toward EU membership in post-communist countries
Alexander Herzog and Joshua A. Tucker
European Political Science Review, 2/2

Why the European Union is not Delivering. An Essay on the Role of Diversity
Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
European Review, 20/3

EU Citizenship as a Mental Construct: Reconstruction of Post-national Model of Citizenship
Sanja Ivic
European Review, 20/3

Euroscepticism and the culture of the discipline of history
Oliver J. Daddow
Review of International Studies 32/2

Representation through the eyes of the voter: a cost-benefit analysis of European integration
Gabriela Borz
Italian Political Science Review, FirstView

Key Issue: Immigration

Free research articles

Making Immigration Work: How Britain and Europe Can Cope with their Immigration Crises
Randall Hansen
Government & Opposition, 51/2

Immigration, Integration, and Support for Redistribution in Europe
Brian Burgoon
World Politics, 66/3

The case for the international governance of immigration
Javier Hidalgo
International Theory, Issue 8/1

Key Issue: The Economy

Free research articles

European voters in the face of crisis: the prominence of unemployment
Stefano Rombi 
Italian Political Science Review, FirstView

The great trilemma: are globalization, democracy, and sovereignty

Arthur A. Stein
International Theory, FirstView

The History of the EU

How the EU works

Free research articles

Democracy by Delegation? Who Represents Whom and How in European Governance
Richard Bellamy and Dario Castiglione
Government & Opposition 46/1

A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus
Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks
British Journal of Political Science, 39/1

Limited institutional change in an international organization: the EU's shift away from ‘federal blindness’
Michaël Tatham
European Political Science Review, 6/1

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