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Transnational Management
Text and Cases in Cross-Border Management

8th Edition

  • Date Published: May 2018
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9781108422437


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About the Authors
  • Transnational Management provides an integrated conceptual framework to guide students and instructors through the challenges facing today's multinational enterprises. Through text narrative and cases, the authors skilfully examine the development of strategy, organizational capabilities, and management roles and responsibilities for operating in the global economy. The key concepts are developed in eight chapters that are supplemented by carefully selected practical case studies from world-leading case writers. All chapters have been revised and updated for this eighth edition to reflect the latest thinking in transnational management while retaining the book's strong integrated conceptual framework. Ten new cases have been added, and four others updated. A full range of online support materials are available, including detailed case teaching notes, almost 200 PowerPoint slides, and a test bank. Suitable for MBA, executive education and senior undergraduate students studying international management, international business or global strategy courses, Transnational Management offers a uniquely global perspective on the subject.

    • An integrated research-based conceptual framework links strategy, organization and management to help students develop a clear and consistent view of the integrated agenda of transnational management
    • Conceptual frameworks and theoretical models are linked to practical application through carefully selected and relevant practical case materials
    • Concepts and cases represent the strategic, organizational and management challenges of firms in both developed and developing countries, providing students with a geocentric rather than ethnocentric world perspective
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'If I were an MBA student studying anywhere in the world this is the book I would want as the textbook for my global strategy course. As a faculty member, this is the book I would pick for my case-based global strategic management course. Why? It's a book in its 8th edition written by world-class experts on the topic. A book written with succinct but comprehensive introductions to cases that are complex and true-to-life. A book that discussed strategies and structures of twenty-first century multinationals: parents, subsidiaries and their alliance partners. A book that covers twenty-first-century issues such as sustainability, corruption, and emerging economy multinationals. In Transnational Management, managers of multinationals are engaged in games of global chess, using integration, responsiveness and worldwide learning to engineer long-run competitive advantage. This is the way that global strategy should be taught. Enjoy!' Lorraine Eden, Texas A & M University, President, Academy of International Business

    'I have been using Transnational Management in my MBA International Competitive Strategy Courses for over ten years. Since then I have not been able to find another text which compares with the relevance, applicability, and readability of this one. I eagerly await the publication of each new edition as each one is updated with fresh content and new cases. The latest edition does not disappoint and I cannot wait to try it in my next term.' P. Roberto Garcia, Young-Jin Kim Distinguished Clinical Professor of International Business Director, Indiana University

    'In this 8th edition, the authors have maintained the unique pedagogic philosophy that has been a hallmark of this special book for so long. With a full suite of companion teaching and learning materials, the three parts of the book, strategic imperatives, the organizational challenge and managerial implications have captured the tensions that continue to dominate cross-border management. Contemporaneity again is maintained after its successful twenty-five year dominance in this field as emerging issues continue to transpire. Practitioners alongside students and researchers will find answers to their cross-border management puzzles in this book. This remains an outstanding book.' Peter W. Liesch , University of Queensland

    'Great for undergraduate students. Content is concise and consistent, based on one framework, which facilitates understanding and learning.' Martyna Jacenko, Florida International University

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    Product details

    • Edition: 8th Edition
    • Date Published: May 2018
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9781108422437
    • length: 570 pages
    • dimensions: 260 x 184 x 28 mm
    • weight: 1.32kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Expanding abroad: motivations, means and mentalities
    2. Understanding the international context: responding to conflicting environmental forces
    3. Developing transitional strategies: building layers of competitive advantage
    4. Developing a transitional organization: managing integration, responsiveness, and flexibility
    5. Creating worldwide innovation and learning: exploiting cross-border knowledge management
    6. Engaging in cross-border collaboration: managing across corporate boundaries
    7. Building new management capabilities: key to effective implementation
    8. Shaping the transnational future: defining an evolving global role.

  • Authors

    Christopher A. Bartlett, Harvard University, Massachusetts
    Christopher A. Bartlett is Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School. His research and teaching have focused on strategic and organizational challenges confronting managers in multinational corporations. He is the author or co-author of nine books, including Managing across Borders: The Transnational Solution (co-authored with Sumantra Ghoshal, 2002), which was named by the Financial Times as one of the 50 most influential business books of the twentieth century. He has also researched and written over 100 case studies and teachings notes, and is Harvard's best-selling case author with over 6 million copies sold. In 2001, he received the Academy of Management's International Division's Distinguished Scholar Award. His is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, the Strategic Management Society, and the World Economic Forum.

    Paul W. Beamish, University of Western Ontario
    Paul W. Beamish is the Canada Research Chair in International Business at the Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario. He has received best research awards from the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. He was previously Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of International Business Studies. His cases have been studied over 3 million times, with over 20 winning awards. In 2012, he was the recipient of the International Management Outstanding Educator Award and, in 2017, the recipient of the International Management Eminent Scholar Award, both from the Academy of Management. He is the editorial director of Ivey Publishing, and director of Ivey's International Business Institute. He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, Royal Society of Canada, and Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.

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