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The European Revolutions, 1848–1851

2nd Edition


Part of New Approaches to European History

  • Date Published: July 2005
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521547796


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  • Reaching from the Atlantic to Ukraine, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean, the revolutions of 1848 brought millions of people across the European continent into political life. Nationalist aspirations, social issues and feminist demands coming to the fore in the mid-century revolutions would reverberate in continental Europe until 1914 and beyond. Yet the new regimes established then proved ephemeral, succumbing to counter-revolution. In this second edition, Jonathan Sperber has updated and expanded his study of the European Revolutions between 1848–1851. Emphasizing the socioeconomic background to the revolutions, and the diversity of political opinions and experiences of participants, the book offers an inclusive narrative of the revolutionary events and a structural analysis of the reasons for the revolutions' ultimate failure. A wide-reaching conclusion and a detailed bibliography make the book ideal both for classroom use and for a general reader wishing a better knowledge of this major historical event.

    • First edition widely praised as single best general history of the 1848 revolutions
    • This student textbook introduces in an accessible manner the entire history of the 1848–1851 revolutions
    • Draws on the very latest scholarship
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… the annotated bibliography, excellent chronology and neat biographies … add to a highly readable volume.' Teaching History

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    Product details

    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Date Published: July 2005
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521547796
    • length: 334 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 154 x 24 mm
    • weight: 0.54kg
    • contains: 6 maps
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Society and social conflict in Europe during the 1840s
    2. The pre-revolutionary political universe
    3. The outbreak of revolution
    4. Varieties of revolutionary experience
    5. Polarization and confrontation
    6. The mid-century revolutions in European history.

  • Instructors have used or reviewed this title for the following courses

    • Age of Revolutions
    • Colloquium in European history
    • Europe in the Age of Revolutions
    • Europe in the Nineteenth Century
    • Europe, 1789-1914
    • European Colloquium
    • Modern Europe 1800 to present
    • Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1850
    • Topics in European History: "The Revolutions of 1848"
    • Understanding Historical Change: Modern Europe
  • Author

    Jonathan Sperber, University of Missouri, Columbia
    Jonathan Sperber is Professor of History at the University of Missouri, Columbia. His previous publications include award-winning books such as Rhineland Radicals: The Democratic Movement and the Revolution of 1848/1849 (1991) and The Kaiser's Voters: Electors and Elections in Imperial Germany (1997).

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