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Look Inside The Political Transformation of the Brazilian Catholic Church

The Political Transformation of the Brazilian Catholic Church

Part of Perspectives on Development

  • Date Published: February 1974
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521098489


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About the Authors
  • This 1974 book provides an institutional and historical analysis of the Brazilian Church, focusing in particular on its political role in relation to the state and society. There is a great interest in the Catholic Church in Latin America, both as an institution and as a progressive social force. The author pays special attention to the part played by the Church in the 'Brazilian Revolution' before 1964. By analyzing its internal reactions to changes in the external political order, he explains why the Church regressed after 1964 and from this develops an explanation of how change took place in the Church. The various threads of Professor Bruneau's analysis are brought together in the final section of the book. Here, it is shown that conflicts between Church and state are inevitable, and that they promise to change the whole system of which the Church has always been an integral part.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 1974
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521098489
    • length: 288 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 16 mm
    • weight: 0.43kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of tables
    Preface and acknowledgements
    List of abbreviations
    Part I. The Political and Religious Bases of Catholicism in Brazil:
    1. Establishment, decay and separation from the state
    2. The revolution of 1930: Church–state reintegration
    Part II. The Church Faces the Modern World, 1950–64:
    3. Socio-political threats of the modern world
    4. In search of a new approach to influence: promotion of social change
    Part III. The Church after 1964:
    5. Institutionalization of strategies for social change: the CNBB
    6. Demands of the times and responses in the hierarchy
    7. Strategies for the promotion of change in the Church
    8. The 'experiences' of four dioceses: obstacles to change
    Section IV. The Church and State in Conflict:
    9. Origins and process of conflict
    10. Consequences of conflict: autonomy and the prophetic mission

  • Author

    Thomas C. Bruneau

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