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Steven S. Skiena
Steven S. Skiena is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. He is the author of four well-regarded books: The Algorithm Design Manual (2008), Calculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win (2001), Programming Challenges (with Miguel Revilla, 2003) and Computational Discrete Mathematics (with Sriram Pemmaraju, 2003). Skiena heads the Lydia news/blog analysis project at Stony Brook, using large-scale text analysis to chart the frequency, sentiment ... and relationships among millions of people, places, and things. This technology forms the foundation of General Sentiment (http://www.generalsentiment.com), where he serves as co-founder and Chief Scientist. Lydia news analysis has been applied to several social science research projects, including financial forecasting and presidential election analysis. The rankings underlying Who's Bigger? derive from this analysis. (Read more)
Connect with Steven S. Skiena
Cambridge University Press bibliography
Calculated Bets
Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win
Steven S. Skiena
Published: 06 August 2001 -
Who's Bigger?
Where Historical Figures Really Rank
Steven Skiena
Charles B. Ward
Published: No date available
Featured Video
An Interview with Steven Skiena
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