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World Conqueror and World Renouncer
A Study of Buddhism and Polity in Thailand against a Historical Background

Part of Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology

  • Date Published: September 1978
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521292900


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About the Authors
  • World Conqueror and World Renouncer is the first comprehensive and authoritative work on the relationship between Buddhism and the polity (political organization) in Thailand. The book conveys the historical background necessary for full comprehension of the contemporary structural relationship between Buddhism, the sangha (monastic order), and the polity, including the historic institution of kingship. Professor Tambiah delineates the overall relationship, as postulated in early Buddhism, between the monk's otherworldly quest on one side and the this-worldly ordinating role of the monarchy on the other. He also examines the complementary and dialectical tensions that occur in this classical relationship, the king's duty to both protect and purify the sangha being a notable example.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 1978
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521292900
    • length: 568 pages
    • dimensions: 235 x 159 x 32 mm
    • weight: 0.957kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I:
    1. Introduction: Reconstructing a Journey
    2. From Rajadharma (the King's "Whole Duty") to Dharmaraja (the "Righteous Ruler")
    3. The Brahmanical Theory of Society and Kingship
    4. The Early Buddhist Conception of World Process, Dharma, and Kingship
    5. Asoka Maurya: The Paradigm
    6. Thai Kingship and Polity in Historical Perspective 7. The Galactic Polity
    8. The Kingdom of Ayutthaya: Design and Process
    9. Asokan and Sinhalese Traditions Concerning the Purification of the Sangha
    10. The Sangha and the Polity: From Ayutthaya to Bangkok
    11. The Nineteenth-Century Achievements of Religion and Sangha
    Appendix to Chapter 11: The Symbolization of Monarchy in the Nineteenth Century
    12. The Sangha Acts of 1902, 1941, and 1963
    Part II:
    13. The Composition and Distribution of Religious Personnel: What the Figures Say
    14. Monkhood as an Avenue of Social Mobility
    15. Monastic Careers and Monastic Network
    Appendix to Chapter 15: Monastic Networks in Christian Europe and Thailand
    16. Patronage of the Sangha and the Legitimation of the Polity
    17. Reformism and Ideological Transformation Based on Tradition
    18. Missionary Monks (Thammathud) and National Development
    Appendix to Chapter 18: The Monks' Universities
    19. The Politics of National Development and the Symbols c Legitimacy
    20. Dialectical Tensions, Continuities, Transformations, and the Uses of the Past

  • Author

    S. J. Tambiah

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