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The Care of Ancient Monuments

The Care of Ancient Monuments
An Account of Legislative and Other Measures Adopted in European Countries for Protecting Ancient Monuments, Objects and Scenes of Natural Beauty, and for Preserving the Aspect of Historical Cities

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology

  • Date Published: February 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108016063


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About the Authors
  • The eminent art historian Gerard Baldwin Brown (1849–1932) held, for fifty years, the first Chair in the History of Art in Britain at the University of Edinburgh. He published on a wide range of art and architecture; his major work was the six-volume Arts in Early England (1903–1937). His interest in the wider social context of art was reflected in his concern for the preservation of ancient monuments for the public. It was after the publication of the present book in 1906 that Brown was appointed member of a Royal Commission to compile an inventory of ancient Scottish monuments. The first half of the book outlines best practice for the preservation of monuments and architectural and natural beauty. The second part, based on extensive secondary literature and official documentation, demonstrates how other countries managed their historic monuments: in Europe, India, the Middle East and the United States.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108016063
    • length: 280 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 16 mm
    • weight: 0.36kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. The Principles and Practice of Monument Administration:
    1. The significance and history of the care of monuments
    2. The meaning of the term 'monument'
    3. The limit of age for monuments
    4. The different kinds of monument
    5. Why should monuments be preserved?
    6. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? The function of public opinion
    7. Means for the preservation of monuments: A. Private societies and publications
    8. Means for the preservation of monuments: B. Official and semi-official agencies, museums
    9. Means for the preservation of monuments: C. Legislation, national and local
    10. Restoration and anti-restoration
    11. 'Classement', inventorization, and official publications
    12. Superintendence of excavations and disposal of 'finds': Treasure-trove
    13. Prohibition of sale or exportation
    14. Expropriation or compulsory purchase
    Part II. Monument Administration in the Various European Countries
    1. France
    2. Germany
    3. Italy
    4. Great Britain and Ireland
    5. The Austrian Empire
    6. Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland
    7. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
    8. Russia and Finland
    9. Spain and Portugal
    10. Greece and Turkey
    11. The Danubian provinces
    12. India, Egypt, Algeria, Tunis

  • Author

    G. Baldwin Brown

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