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Look Inside The Palace of Minos

The Palace of Minos
A Comparative Account of the Successive Stages of the Early Cretan Civilization as Illustrated by the Discoveries at Knossos

Volume 4

Part 2

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology

  • Date Published: August 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108061063


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About the Authors
  • Inspired by Schliemann's discoveries at Mycenae and Troy, Sir Arthur John Evans (1851–1941), keeper of Oxford's Ashmolean Museum from 1884 to 1908, trustee of the British Museum and fellow of the Royal Society, used his inherited wealth to purchase land in Crete at Knossos. From 1900 he commenced excavations there in co-operation with the British School at Athens. Work continued for eight full seasons, uncovering a Bronze Age palace and bringing to light further architectural and artefactual remains of Minoan civilisation, including numerous texts in Linear A and Linear B. Evans' speculative reconstruction of the site in reinforced concrete remains controversial, and some of his interpretations are disputed, but his pioneering work is painstakingly detailed in this highly illustrated multi-volume work, published between 1921 and 1935, with an index volume appearing in 1936. Part 2 of Volume 4 first appeared in 1935.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2013
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108061063
    • length: 704 pages
    • dimensions: 297 x 210 x 36 mm
    • weight: 1.66kg
    • contains: 668 b/w illus. 5 colour illus. 2 maps
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    100. The 'camp-stool' fresco of the 'North-West Sanctuary Hall'
    101. Long-robed priestly and royal personages on seals from Knossos and Vapheio
    102. Discovery in the 'initiatory area' of lapis-lazuli cylinder with early Chaldaean connexions
    103. The Minoan genii and their relation to the Egyptian hippopotamus goddess
    104. Fresh discovery of a chryselephantine image of boy-god
    105. Retrospect of Minoan bead-seals and signet-rings
    106. Indigenous sphragistic tradition
    107. Hunting and other animal types on late Minoan seals
    108. The late palatial deposits of clay seal impressions at Knossos
    109. Later phase of west magazines, upper and lower
    110. First discovery of large hoards of clay tablets in Advanced Linear Script (B)
    111. Tablets of the Linear Script B (continued)
    112. Knossian Script B in mainland Greece
    113. Supplementary to preceding: the Minoan remains at Ras-Shamra
    114. Deposits of tablets depicting chariots
    115. Armature in the last palatial age
    116. The latest palatial age of Knossos
    117. Epilogue.

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