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Early Ireland

Early Ireland
An Introduction to Irish Prehistory

  • Date Published: April 1989
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521336871


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About the Authors
  • Engagingly written and packed with illustrations, Early Ireland offers an authoritative introduction to the riches of Irish prehistory - a span of eight thousand years from the end of the Ice Age to the first centuries of the Christian era. It provides a clear account of the development of Irish society from its beginnings as a postglacial culture of hunters and gatherers, through the glory of its golden age in the second millennium BC, to the technological advances stimulated by the discovery of iron and, in the last centuries BC, the growth of a Celtic art style of unrivalled power and individuality. Many of the developments in research and excavation detailed in the book were carried out or initiated by the author himself. In Early Ireland he encapsulates in inimitable style the fruits of more than three decades spent imparting his love and knowledge of Ireland, its people and its antiquities.

    Reviews & endorsements

    'It is a fluently written and comprehensive account of the development of Irish culture and society until the last centuries BC that will gladden students and general readers alike.' British Archaeological News

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 1989
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521336871
    • length: 392 pages
    • dimensions: 247 x 172 x 23 mm
    • weight: 0.78kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of illustrations
    Preface Glyn Daniel
    1. The Ice Age
    2. The Mesolithic period
    3. The Neolithic period
    4. The late Neolithic/Beaker period
    5. Megaliths
    6. Single burials and earthen and stone enclosures
    7. The Bronze Age
    8. Bronze Age burial
    9. Bronze Age settlement and stone monuments
    10. The Iron Age
    11. Later prehistoric settlement
    12. Iron Age burial

  • Author

    Michael J. O'Kelly, University College Cork

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