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Look Inside The Origins and Development of the Andean State

The Origins and Development of the Andean State

Part of New Directions in Archaeology

Jonathan Haas, Shelia Pozorski, Thomas Pozorski, Robert A. Feldman, John Topic, Theresa Topic, David J. Wilson, Richard Daggett, William H. Isbell, Katharina J. Schreiber, Alexandra M. Ulana Klymyshyn, Carol J. Mackey, Izumi Shimada, Charles M. Hastings, Betty J. Meggers, M. C. Webb
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  • Date Published: March 2009
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521104852


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About the Authors
  • This volume brings together research on the evolution of civilisation in the Andean region of South America from the work of sixteen leading scholars, at one time actively engaged in fieldwork in Peru. Beginning with early chiefdom societies living along the Peruvian coast 2000 years before Christ, the authors trace the growing complexity of Andean states and empires over the next 3000 years. They examine the accomplishments of the ancient Andeans in the rise of magnificent monumental architecture and the construction of unparalleled prehistoric irrigation systems. They also look at the dominant role of warfare in Andean societies and at the collapse of empires in the millennia before the arrival of the Spanish in 1534. Together, the contributors provide the first systematic study of the evolution of polities along the dry coastal plains and high mountain valleys of the Peruvian Andes.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2009
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521104852
    • length: 196 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 11 mm
    • weight: 0.3kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction Jonathan Haas
    Chronology Shelia Pozorski and Thomas Pozorski
    1. Architectural evidence for the development of nonegalitarian social systems in coastal Peru Robert A. Feldman
    2. Theocracy vs. militarism: the significance of the Casma Valley in understanding early state formation Sheila Pozorski
    3. The exercise of power in early Andean state development Jonathan Haas
    4. Chavin, the Early Horizon and the Initial Period Thomas Pozorski and Sheila Pozorski
    5. The archaeological investigation of Andean militarism: some cautionary observations John Topic and Theresa Topic
    6. Reconstructing patterns of early warfare in the Lower Santa Valley: new data on the role of conflict in the origins of complex north coast society David J. Wilson
    7. Toward the development of the state on the north central coast of Peru Richard Daggett
    8. State origins in the Ayacucho Valley, central highlands, Peru William H. Isbell
    9. From state to empire: the expansion of Wari outside the Ayacucho Basin Katharina J. Schreiber
    10. The development of Chimu administration in Chan Chan Alexandra M. Ulana Klymyshyn
    11. Changing priorities within the Chimu state: the role of irrigation agriculture Thomas Pozorski
    12. Chimu administration in the provinces Carol J. Mackey
    13. Horizontal and vertical dimensions of prehistoric states in north Peru Izumi Shimada
    14. Implications of Andean verticality in the evolution of political complexity: a view from the margins Charles M. Hastings
    15. Comment Betty J. Meggers
    16. Broader perspectives on Andean state origins M. C. Webb
    17. References cited

  • Authors

    Jonathan Haas

    Shelia Pozorski

    Thomas Pozorski


    Jonathan Haas, Shelia Pozorski, Thomas Pozorski, Robert A. Feldman, John Topic, Theresa Topic, David J. Wilson, Richard Daggett, William H. Isbell, Katharina J. Schreiber, Alexandra M. Ulana Klymyshyn, Carol J. Mackey, Izumi Shimada, Charles M. Hastings, Betty J. Meggers, M. C. Webb

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