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Look Inside Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism

Bruno Taut and the Architecture of Activism

Part of Cambridge Urban and Architectural Studies

  • Date Published: March 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521131834


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About the Authors
  • Bruno Taut was the leading architectural theorist in Germany during the years 1914–1920. The architectural and social premises which he developed in this seminal period were to be of paramount importance in the subsequent development of modern architecture in Germany in the 1920s. The German example, in turn, was to become a model for the international modern movement. Whereas the history of the modern movement in architecture has generally been written in terms of functionalism, and the availability of materials and technology, Dr Whyte suggests that many of the roots of modern architecture were mystical and irrational, and were concerned less with function and purpose and more with millenarian dreams of the a society which might be achieved through the meditation of the architecture. The author also suggests that there were political reasons behind this type of architecture and why it failed to achieve its aim of improving the physical and social condition of society.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521131834
    • length: 296 pages
    • dimensions: 244 x 170 x 16 mm
    • weight: 0.48kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of illustrations
    Part I. The Roots of Activism:
    1. Reformism and Expressionism
    2. Bruno Taut:
    Part II. 1914–1918: The Foundations of Activist Architecture:
    3. Pacifism
    4. Regeneration
    5. Chiliastic expectations - the Gemeinschaft
    6. Geist and Volk
    7. The role of the activist
    8. The rationalism of intuition
    9. The new city and the resonance of Geist and Volk
    Part III. November 1918–April 1919. Activism and Political Engagement:
    11. The Politischer Rat geistiger Arbeiter and the Arbeitrat für Kunst
    12. The politics of decentralisation
    13. The AFK, December 1918–April 1919
    Part IV. April 1919–December 1920:
    14. The AFK under Walter Gropius
    15. The Ausstellung für unbekannte Architekten
    16. Taut and the Proletkult
    17. Taut's literary activity in the summer of 1919
    18. The Bund für proletarische Kultur
    19. the Werkbund conference: September 1919
    20. Autumn and winter 1919: unrealised projects
    21. The Gläserne Kett
    22. Taut and the theatre
    23. The end of an avant-garde
    Sources of illustrations

  • Author

    Iain Boyd Whyte

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