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Look Inside A Short History of the Roman Republic

A Short History of the Roman Republic

  • Date Published: September 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107621039


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About the Authors
  • Originally published in 1911, this book by William Heitland gives a succinct but thorough overview of the history of the Roman Republic from the Regal period to the rise of the Second Triumvirate in 42 BC. The text includes several maps as well as photographs of ancient Greek and Roman coins, and notes provide a concordance between this work and Heitland's larger tome on the same subject. This book will be of value to anyone seeking an overview of the development and eventual downfall of the Roman Republic.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 2013
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107621039
    • length: 552 pages
    • dimensions: 198 x 129 x 28 mm
    • weight: 0.54kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introductory
    2. Early Rome
    3. The Regal period
    4. The Republic 509–449 BC
    5. The Republic 448–367 BC
    6. The Republic 366–265 BC
    7. Conquest of Italy 366–265 BC
    8. Organization of Italy
    9. Rome and the Romans
    10. Carthage
    11. First Punic war 264–241 BC
    12. The interval 241–218 BC
    13. Second Punic war 218–201 BC
    14. The situation created by the war
    15. Wars and policy in the East 200–168 BC
    16. Wars and policy in the West 193–167 BC
    17. External affairs 167–133 BC
    18. Internal history 201–133 BC
    19. The Sicilian slave-war 134–132 BC
    20. Tiberius Gracchus 133 BC
    21. The interval 132–123 BC
    22. Gaius Gracchus 124–121 BC
    23. From the death of C. Gracchus to the end of the Jugurthine war 121–105 BC
    24. The invasion from the North 109–101 BC
    25. The second Sicilian slave-war, and external affairs 105–92 BC
    26. Internal history 104–91 BC
    27. The great Italian or Marsic war 90–87 BC
    28. Marius and Cinna 87–86 BC
    29. Sulla in the East 87–84 BC
    30. Cinna, Carbo, and Sulla 85–82 BC
    31. Sulla 82–78 BC
    32. Rome and Italy 78–70 BC
    33. Wars abroad. Sertorius and Mithradates. 79–67 BC
    34. Affairs in Rome 69–66 BC
    35. Cicero and Catiline 66–63 BC
    36. The years of uncertainty 62–60 BC
    37. Caesar's first consulship and the removal of Cicero and Cato 59–58 BC
    38. Caesar in Gaul 58–56 BC
    39. Affairs in Rome 58–55 BC. The conference of Luca 56 BC
    40. Caesar in Gaul 56–50 BC
    41. Roman affairs from the conference of Luca to the outbreak of the great civil war 55–49 BC
    42. The civil war to the battle of Thapsus 49–46 BC
    43. From the battle of Thapsus to the death of Caesar 46–44 BC
    44. Failure of the attempt to restore the Republic 44–42 BC
    45. Literature and jurisprudence as illustrating the life of the revolutionary period
    46. From Republic to Empire

  • Author

    W. E. Heitland

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