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Look Inside Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe

Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe

Volume 1. Religion and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400–1700

William Monter, Heinz Schilling, Istvan Tóth, Olivier Chaline, Daniel Tollet, José Pedro Paiva, Maria-Antonietta Visceglia, Maria Craciun, Mark Greengrass, Judith Pollmann, Ian Green, Stefan Ehrenpreis, Guido Marnef, Martin Elbel
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  • Date Published: January 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107412811


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About the Authors
  • Religious beliefs, their practice and expression, were fundamental to the cultural fabric of early modern Europe. They were representations of belonging, identity, power and social meaning. In the era of Europe's reformations and subsequent confessionalizations coinciding with its first colonial empires and its conflictual relations with other faiths on its eastern borderlands, this volume, first published in 2007, examines the role of religion as a vehicle for cultural conflict, cohabitation and cultural exchange. Essays by leading historians show the complexity and diversity of the processes of religious differentiation that contributed to the making of modern Europe, with case studies ranging from Transylvania and Lithuania to Spain and Portugal and from Italy to England. The volume will appeal to scholars in early modern European history, history of religion, as well as social and cultural history.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: January 2013
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107412811
    • length: 438 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 23 mm
    • weight: 0.58kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Introductions:
    1. Religion and cultural exchange 1400–1700:
    21st century implications William Monter
    2. Confessionalization and cultural exchange in early modern Europe (and the situation in the borderlands) Heinz Schilling and Istvan Tóth
    Part II. Cohabitation and Conflict in the Religious Borderlands - Central (and North-east-central) Europe as Example):
    3. Religious frontiers in the Bohemian lands after the White Mountain Olivier Chaline
    4. Religious coexistence and competition in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth c.1600 Daniel Tollet
    5. Missionaries as cultural intermediaries in religious borderlands Istvan Tóth
    Part III. Churches in Action: Rituals and Images:
    6. Introduction José Pedro Paiva
    7. Urban architecture and ritual in the Confessional Europe Heinz Schilling
    8. A liturgy of power: solemn episcopal entrances in Early Modern Europe José Pedro Paiva
    9. A comparative historiographic reflection on sovereignty in Modern Europe: interregnum rites and papal funerals Maria-Antonietta Visceglia
    10. Rural altarpieces and religious experiences in Transylvania's Saxon communities Maria Craciun
    Part IV. Religious Communication: Print and Beyond:
    11. Introduction Mark Greengrass and Judith Pollmann
    12. Orality, script and print: the case of the English sermon 1530–1700 Ian Green
    13. Teaching religion in Early Modern Europe: catechisms, emblems, and local traditions Stefan Ehrenpreis
    14. Chambers of rhetoric and the transmission of religious ideas in the low countries Guido Marnef
    15. Hey ho, let the cup go round! Singing for Reformation in the sixteenth century Judith Pollmann
    16. Two sixteenth-century religious minorities and their scribal networks Mark Greengrass
    17. On the side of the angels: Franciscan communication strategies in early modern Bohemia Martin Elbel.

  • Editors

    Heinz Schilling, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    István György Tóth, Central European University, Budapest

    General Editor

    Robert Muchembled, Université de Paris XIII

    Associate Editor

    William Monter, Northwestern University, Illinois


    William Monter, Heinz Schilling, Istvan Tóth, Olivier Chaline, Daniel Tollet, José Pedro Paiva, Maria-Antonietta Visceglia, Maria Craciun, Mark Greengrass, Judith Pollmann, Ian Green, Stefan Ehrenpreis, Guido Marnef, Martin Elbel

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