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Look Inside A Narrative of Three Years' Residence in France, Principally in the Southern Departments, from the Year 1802 to 1805

A Narrative of Three Years' Residence in France, Principally in the Southern Departments, from the Year 1802 to 1805
Including Some Authentic Particulars Respecting the Early Life of the French Emperor, and a General Inquiry into his Character

Volume 1

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Travel, Europe

  • Date Published: April 2015
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108081016


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About the Authors
  • The writer and translator Anne Plumptre (1760–1818) and her sister Annabella, also a writer, divided their time between Norwich and London, where they moved in radical and dissenting circles. Anne also travelled abroad, publishing this three-volume description of three years' residence in France in 1810. (Her 1817 volume on Ireland is also reissued in this series.) Like many other Britons, Plumptre took the opportunity of the Peace of Amiens to visit post-revolutionary France, and she stayed in the country until hostilities recommenced in 1805. Sympathetic to the revolution, she intended to examine for herself the state of the country and its people, and compare her first-hand impressions (especially of Napoleon) with the generally hostile information about France then currently available in Britain. Volume 1 describes her stay in Paris (where she was accidentally locked in the ruins of the Bastille at nightfall), and her journey to Marseilles via Lyons.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2015
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108081016
    • length: 476 pages
    • dimensions: 217 x 140 x 30 mm
    • weight: 0.61kg
    • contains: 1 map
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Departure from London
    2. Stay at Calais
    3. Different entrances to Paris
    4. Public buildings in Paris
    5. The palais-royal
    6. On the theatres at Paris
    7. The Opéra comique
    8. Public gardens at Paris
    9. Monsieur Géoffroi
    10. The jardin de plantes
    11. On the abolition of monarchy and religion in France
    12. Further remarks on the state of religion in France
    13. Interest excited by the situation in France
    14. Different classes
    15. Fetes of the fourteenth of July and the fifteenth of August
    16. The exposition at the Louvre
    17. St Cloud
    18. Route from Paris to Lyons
    19. The city of Lyons
    20. The devastation of the city of Lyons
    21. The college of the Oratoire at Lyons
    22. Account of the prisons at Lyons
    23. Account of the prisons of Lyons (cont.)
    24. Account of the prisons of Lyons (cont.)
    25. Account of the prisons of Lyons (cont.)
    26. Route from Lyons to Avignon
    27. Avignon
    28. Different routes to Vaucluse
    29. Villeneuve
    30. Beaucaire.

  • Author

    Anne Plumptre

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