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Revisiting Prussia's Wars against Napoleon
History, Culture, and Memory

Award Winner
  • Date Published: March 2015
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521152303


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About the Authors
  • In 2013, Germany celebrated the bicentennial of the so-called Wars of Liberation (1813–15). These wars were the culmination of the Prussian struggle against Napoleon between 1806 and 1815, which occupied a key position in German national historiography and memory. Although these conflicts have been analyzed in thousands of books and articles, much of the focus has been on the military campaigns and alliances. Karen Hagemann argues that we cannot achieve a comprehensive understanding of these wars and their importance in collective memory without recognizing how the interaction of politics, culture, and gender influenced these historical events and continue to shape later recollections of them. She thus explores the highly contested discourses and symbolic practices by which individuals and groups interpreted these wars and made political claims, beginning with the period itself and ending with the centenary in 1913.

    • Covers the history and political culture of the period of the anti-Napoleonic Wars in Prussia and Germany
    • Examines the interplay of the different factors that informed the constructions of collective memory of the anti-Napoleonic Wars in nineteenth-century Germany
    • Includes a gender perspective in its exploration of history and memory of the period of anti-Napoleonic Wars
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    • Winner, 2015 Hans Rosenberg Book Prize, Central European History Society

    Reviews & endorsements

    'As one of the leading historians of gender and war, Karen Hagemann writes a masterful account of the Germanic wars against Napoleon in the era 1806–1815 and their place in subsequent collective memories. Weaving archival evidence on daily life experiences with interpretive sophistication of cultural artifacts, she assesses the place of the Napoleonic wars in the construction of Prussian-German nationalism and gendered citizenship. [This book] … will enthrall all readers interested in the play of history and memory in one of Europe's most consequential nation-states.' Jean H. Quataert, Binghamton University

    'Karen Hagemann has written a pathbreaking book that reveals, in lusciously rich detail, how the Germans of the 'long nineteenth century' understood and interpreted Prussia's wars against Napoleon. Applying methods drawn from military history, memory studies, gender studies, art history, and much else, this is interdisciplinary scholarship at its best.' David A. Bell, Princeton University, New Jersey

    “War is the mere continuation of politics …', Clausewitz asserted, distilling the experience of the Napoleonic Wars. He passed over the fact that in Prussia, as in all of the German lands, politics was a battlefield of contending interests, norms, and values as well as of competing political projects. This latter conflict over competing war cultures and war is the subject of the present book. The divisiveness of war cultures arose amid a novel configuration of war, in which the full force of public opinion underwrote the efforts to mobilize a people only to be confronted with fatal choices. Was the war against Napoleon to be a 'War of Liberty' or a 'War of Liberation'? Karen Hagemann concludes that it was waged by contemporaries for the liberty of the German nation, but won by historians and novelists for Prussia's liberation. Of course, it was a mere paper victory, but the price was paid in blood.' Michael Geyer, University of Chicago

    'Hagemann is a leading authority on the Napoleonic Wars in Germany, and this volume represents a capstone of her research over the past two decades. In effect, this is two books in one. The first half is a vivid account of Prussia's defeat in 1806 and the mobilization against Napoleon from 1813–15. The author studies songs, sermons, and ceremonies to show how German nationalist intellectuals and Prussian civil servants prepared society for war. Sophisticated gender analysis sets this account apart from Christopher Clark's Iron Kingdom. The second half is billed as a study of memory, yet its main emphasis is print culture - novels, memoirs, and historical works. Hagemann presents an ambitious quantitative analysis of authors (class, gender, profession, region) and the book market (publishers, booksellers, degrees of censorship). Summing up: recommended. Graduate students and faculty.' W. G. Gray, Choice

    'Hagemann's detailed research presented in this book is therefore important for anyone interested in this formative period in Prussian and German history.' Michael Rowe, German History

    'Hagemann thus has created nothing less than a full-blown analysis of the rise of the German nation - and the idea of that nation - over the course of a century. Her vision is inherently political, but political in a manner that contrasts with what we traditionally consider political history. … Revisiting Prussia's Wars against Napoleon presents a new analysis of nineteenth-century history, advances a manifesto and program for memory studies, and subtly critiques current historiographical trends. Hagemann has crafted a nuanced, judicious, and convincing picture of Prussian history that makes a substantial contribution to what one might call the 'new Prussian history' as represented by those who have criticized the Sonderweg thesis, by Clark in his Iron Kingdom, and by William Hagen in his equally brilliant Ordinary Prussians: Brandenburg Junkers and Villagers, 1500–1840 (2007).' Mary Lindeman, The American Historical Review

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2015
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521152303
    • length: 497 pages
    • dimensions: 227 x 153 x 27 mm
    • weight: 0.72kg
    • contains: 3 b/w illus. 4 maps
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Prelude: war, culture and memory
    Introduction: revisiting the wars against Napoleon
    Part I. A History of Defeat, Crisis and Victory:
    1. The defeat of 1806 and its aftermath
    2. Reform and revenge: political responses
    3. Liberation and restoration: the wars of 1813–15 and their legacy
    Part II. Discourses on the Nation, War and Gender:
    4. Mobilizing public opinion: propaganda, media and war
    5. Defining the nation: belonging and exclusion
    6. Debating war: the military, warfare and masculinity
    7. Regulating participation: patriotism, citizenship and gender
    Part III. Collective Practices of De/mobilization and Commemoration:
    8. Military service: mobilizing militiamen and volunteers
    9. War charity: patriotic women's associations
    10. De/mobilizing society: patriotic-national celebrations and rituals
    11. Honoring and commemorating war heroes: the cult of death for the fatherland
    Part IV. Literary Market, History and War Memories:
    12. Politics, market and media: the development of a culture-consuming national public
    13. Inventing history: nostalgia, historiography and memory
    14. Remembering the past: the Napoleonic wars in autobiographies and war memoirs
    Part V. Novels, Memory and Politics:
    15. Re-creating the past: the time of the anti-Napoleonic wars in novels
    16. Hopefulness and disappointment: novels of the Restoration era and the Vormärz
    17. Critique, desire and glory: novels of the Nachmärz and the German Empire
    Epilogue: Historicizing war and memory, 2013–1813–1913.

  • Author

    Karen Hagemann, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    Karen Hagemann is the James G. Kenan Distinguished Professor of History at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She has published widely in Modern German and European history, gender history and the history of military and war (19th-20th centuries) combining approaches from social, political and cultural history. Her books include: Frauenalltag und Männerpolitik. Alltagsleben und gesellschaftliches Handeln von Arbeiterfrauen in der Weimarer Republik (1990); 'Mannlicher Mut und Teutsche Ehre'. Nation, Militär und Geschlecht zur Zeit der Antinapoleonischen Kriege Preußens (2002); Home/Front: The Military, War and Gender in Twentieth-Century Germany (edited with S. Schüler-Springorum, 2002); Masculinities in Politics and War: Gendering Modern History (edited with S. Dudink and J. Tosh, 2004); Gendering Modern German History: Rewriting Historiography (edited with J. Quataert, 2007); Representing Masculinity: Male Citizenship in Modern Western Culture (edited with S. Dudink and A. Clark, 2007); Gender, War, and Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives, 1775–1830 (edited with G. Mettele and J. Rendall, 2010); and War Memories: The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars in Modern European Culture (edited with A. Forrest and E. François, 2012).


    Pamela Selwyn


    • Winner, 2015 Hans Rosenberg Book Prize, Central European History Society

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