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The Scandinavian Reformation

The Scandinavian Reformation
From Evangelical Movement to Institutionalisation of Reform

Ole Peter Grell, Martin Schwarz Lausten, E. I. Kouri, Thorkild Lyby, Ingun Montgomery, Jens Chr.V. Johansen
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  • Date Published: November 1994
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521441629


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About the Authors
  • When Martin Luther's protest began making an impact in Scandinavia in the 1520s, this region belonged to the religious and political periphery of Europe. A century later the Nordic countries had become of paramount importance to European Protestantism, and it was the intervention of Lutheran Scandinavia in the Thirty Years' War which helped secure the survival of European Protestantism. This volume describes how the Nordic countries came to be solidly Lutheran states by the early seventeenth century; how the evangelical movements differed and succeeded, and the different pace of reform and its institutionalisation. It offers a revisionist view of the role of the Catholic Church in Scandinavia, and its attempts to halt the reformation, and demonstrates the difficulties facing the new Lutheran churches trying to convert a conservative, peasant population to Protestantism.

    • The first volume in English to deal comprehensively with the Scandinavian reformation
    • Written by six leading experts, it offers new and important interpretations of Scandinavian reformation history
    • Reasserts the key importance of Scandinavia in the context of the Reformation and subsequent European history
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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 1994
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521441629
    • length: 232 pages
    • dimensions: 235 x 158 x 23 mm
    • weight: 0.525kg
    • contains: 1 map
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introduction Ole Peter Grell
    2. The Early Reformation in Denmark and Norway 1520–1559 Martin Schwarz Lausten
    3. The Early Reformation in Sweden and Finland ca. 1520–1560 E. I. Kouri
    4. The Catholic Church and its Leadership Ole Peter Grell
    5. The Consolidation of Lutheranism in Denmark and Norway Thorkild Lyby and Ole Peter Grell
    6. The Institutionalisation of Lutheranism in Sweden and Finland Ingun Montgomery
    7. Faith, Superstition and Witchcraft in Reformation Scandinavia Jens Chr.V. Johansen

  • Editor

    Ole Peter Grell, University of Cambridge


    Ole Peter Grell, Martin Schwarz Lausten, E. I. Kouri, Thorkild Lyby, Ingun Montgomery, Jens Chr.V. Johansen

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