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Look Inside Travels in the Island of Cyprus

Travels in the Island of Cyprus
With Contemporary Accounts of the Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - European History

  • Date Published: July 2009
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108004329


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About the Authors
  • The Abbé Giovanni Mariti wrote an account of the condition of Cyprus in 1769, almost 100 years after the final conquest of the island by the Ottoman Turks. Mariti travelled widely around the island in the seven years during which he served there as a consular official, and as well as recounting his own visits to towns, villages and monasteries, he describes contemporary events such as the outbreak of plague in 1760 and the failed insurrection against the Turks in 1764. This English translation, first published in 1895, also provides contemporary eyewitness accounts of the sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta which ended Venetian rule in 1570–1, and of the torture and death of the Venetian commander of Famagusta, Marcantonio Bragadino, a story which has passed into legend.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2009
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108004329
    • length: 212 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 12 mm
    • weight: 0.28kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. A general view of the island and kingdom of Cyprus
    2. Concerning the port and town of the Salines
    3. Of the ancient city of Citium, now destroyed
    4. Of the city of Larnaca
    5. Excursion from the city of Larnaca to that of Nicosia
    6. Concerning the city of Nicosia, capital of the island and kingdom of Cyprus
    7. Excursion from the city of Nicosia to the town and fortress of Cerines
    8. The town and fortress of Cerines
    9. Departure from Cerines, and description of the convent of Lapasis
    10. Excursion from Lapasis to the convent of St Chrysostom
    11. Departure from St Chrysostom
    12. The city of Famagusta and its neighbourhood
    13. Of the ancient city of Salamina now destroyed and its neighbourhood
    14. Departure from the neighbourhood of Salamina and return to Larnaca
    15. Excursion from Larnaca to the Salines
    16. Journey from the village of Citti to the City of Limasol
    17. Journey from Limasol to Paphos
    18. Journey from Pafo to Lapito
    19. Of some villages and hamlets
    20. Of an insurrection which occurred a short while since
    21. One the commerce of the island of Cyprus
    22. Of the consuls of European sovereigns
    23. Of the various officers of the consulates
    24. The duties of protected subjects in the Levant
    25. Account of the plague of A.D. 1760 in the island of Cyprus
    26. Sundry notes on Cyprus
    27. Notes on the Turkish mosque in Cyprus called Tekye
    28. On the asp of Cyprus
    29. Of the site of Citium
    30. The sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta

  • Author

    Giovanni Mariti


    Claude Delaval Cobham

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