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The Cambridge Dictionary of Modern World History

Calvin H. Allen, Jr, Cemil Aydin, William Beezley, Jonathan Bell, Magnus T. Bernhardsson, Carlos Brando, Winnifred R. Brown-Glaude, David Buisseret, Trevor Burnard, Brian Caton, Pratik Chakrabarti, Aryendra Chakravartty, Lily Chang, Elizabeth Clapp, Peter Coates, Frank Cogliano, George Conyne, Philip Cook, R. Douglas Cope, Graham Cornwell, Martin Crawford, Robert Crews, Gareth Davies, Carmen De Michele, Elizabeth Dillenburg, Rod Duncan, Xavier Duran, Martin Durham, Howard Eissenstat, Felipe Tamega Fernandes, Jonathan Goldstein, Pablo Gomez, Leonard Gordon, Harry Harmer, Robert Harrison, Timothy Hawkins, Michael Heale, Gad Heuman, Brian Holden Reid, Nadine Hunt, Emma Hunter, Steve Jacobson, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, Andrew Johnstone, Tim Keirn, John Killick, Peter F. Klaren, Deep Kanta Lahiri Choudhury, George Lewis, Toby Lincoln, Peter Ling, Brian Loveman, Julie MacArthur, Lisa Maguire, Bertie Mandelblatt, Robert Mason, James McClellan, John McNeill, Martin Meenagh, Ranald Michie, David Milne, Farina Mir, Rana Mitter, Ryoko Nakano, Phillip Naylor, Kendrick Oliver, Kenneth Owen, Sebastian Page, Fabio Parasecoli, Albert L. Park, Graham Pitts, Marshall Poe, Mridu Rai, Monica Rankin, Donald Ratcliffe, Vera Blinn Reber, Christoph Rosenmüller, Haimanti Roy, John Saillant, Friedrich Schuler, Daniel Scroop, Alex Seago, Ronald E. Seavoy, James Seelye, Jr, Jay Sexton, Verene Shepherd, Jeffrey Shumway, Julia Stephens, John Stevenson, John Thornton, Robert Travers, Stephen Tuck, Knut S. Vikør, Adrian Webb, Emily West, Mark White, Merry Wiesner-Hanks, Gary Williams, Wasana Wongsurawat, Khodr Zaarour, Chitralekha Zutshi
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  • Date Published: November 2017
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521847711


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About the Authors
  • In a world where we take for granted the ability to communicate instantly across vast distances and time, world history has come of age. We increasingly reflect on history from a position which no longer privileges Europe or the West, and from a global perspective which ranges from the Pacific Rim to the Balkans, and from Latin America to the Middle East. Compiled by an international team of contributors, area editors and general editors, The Cambridge Dictionary of Modern World History provides a much needed guide to the main global events, personalities and themes from the eighteenth century to the present. Major themes of war, politics, society and religion are covered, alongside more recent subjects within the discipline; from globalization and the environment to transnational social movements and human rights. This is an essential new work of reference not only for scholars and students but also for the wider general public.

    • A comprehensive and truly global account of modern world history, with almost 2,500 entries written by an international team of historians
    • Addresses the need for an introductory guide for students taking the increasing number of world history courses
    • Combines broad overviews of key themes with shorter entries on the individuals and events which have shaped the modern world
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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2017
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521847711
    • length: 722 pages
    • dimensions: 256 x 185 x 37 mm
    • weight: 1.59kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of contributors
    Editors' preface
    The Dictionary.

  • Editors

    Chris Cook
    Chris Cook is a former Senior Research Officer and Head of the Modern Archives Survey at the London School of Economics and Poltiical Science. He has combined the careers of academic historian and distinguished compiler of reference works. His many publications include the Dictionary of Historical Terms (1998), the European Political Facts series and the standard Short History of the Liberal Party (2010). With John Stevenson he has co-edited the Routledge Historical Companions as well as co-authoring The Slump (2009), a major study of Britain in the 1930s.

    John Stevenson, University of Oxford
    John Stevenson is a former Reader and Fellow of Worcester College, University of Oxford. He has published widely on British, European and World history, including works on both political and social history. His publications include A History of Europe (2005), The Routledge Companion to World History since 1914 (2005, with Chris Cook), A History of British Elections since 1688 (2014, with Chris Cook), and William Cobbett: Romanticism and Enlightenment (2015, edited with J. Grande). He is currently editing a volume of English historical documents for the period 1914–57.


    Calvin H. Allen, Jr, Cemil Aydin, William Beezley, Jonathan Bell, Magnus T. Bernhardsson, Carlos Brando, Winnifred R. Brown-Glaude, David Buisseret, Trevor Burnard, Brian Caton, Pratik Chakrabarti, Aryendra Chakravartty, Lily Chang, Elizabeth Clapp, Peter Coates, Frank Cogliano, George Conyne, Philip Cook, R. Douglas Cope, Graham Cornwell, Martin Crawford, Robert Crews, Gareth Davies, Carmen De Michele, Elizabeth Dillenburg, Rod Duncan, Xavier Duran, Martin Durham, Howard Eissenstat, Felipe Tamega Fernandes, Jonathan Goldstein, Pablo Gomez, Leonard Gordon, Harry Harmer, Robert Harrison, Timothy Hawkins, Michael Heale, Gad Heuman, Brian Holden Reid, Nadine Hunt, Emma Hunter, Steve Jacobson, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, Andrew Johnstone, Tim Keirn, John Killick, Peter F. Klaren, Deep Kanta Lahiri Choudhury, George Lewis, Toby Lincoln, Peter Ling, Brian Loveman, Julie MacArthur, Lisa Maguire, Bertie Mandelblatt, Robert Mason, James McClellan, John McNeill, Martin Meenagh, Ranald Michie, David Milne, Farina Mir, Rana Mitter, Ryoko Nakano, Phillip Naylor, Kendrick Oliver, Kenneth Owen, Sebastian Page, Fabio Parasecoli, Albert L. Park, Graham Pitts, Marshall Poe, Mridu Rai, Monica Rankin, Donald Ratcliffe, Vera Blinn Reber, Christoph Rosenmüller, Haimanti Roy, John Saillant, Friedrich Schuler, Daniel Scroop, Alex Seago, Ronald E. Seavoy, James Seelye, Jr, Jay Sexton, Verene Shepherd, Jeffrey Shumway, Julia Stephens, John Stevenson, John Thornton, Robert Travers, Stephen Tuck, Knut S. Vikør, Adrian Webb, Emily West, Mark White, Merry Wiesner-Hanks, Gary Williams, Wasana Wongsurawat, Khodr Zaarour, Chitralekha Zutshi

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