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The Life Story of the Late Sir Charles Tilston Bright, Civil Engineer

The Life Story of the Late Sir Charles Tilston Bright, Civil Engineer
With Which is Incorporated the Story of the Atlantic Cable, and the First Telegraph to India and the Colonies
2 Volume Set

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Technology

  • Date Published: July 2012
  • availability: Available
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108052900

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • Sir Charles Tilston Bright (1832–88) was a renowned telegraph engineer, best known for his role in laying the first successful transatlantic cable in 1858, for which he was knighted. Bright later worked on the telegraph networks that would span not only the British Empire but the entire globe. Written by his brother Edward Brailsford Bright (1831–1913) and son Charles (1863–1937), both telegraph engineers who worked alongside him, this two-volume biography, first published in 1898, would do much to cement Bright's reputation as an electrical engineer, providing an insider account of telegraphy's formative years. Volume 1 traces Bright's career up to his laying of the first transatlantic cables in the mid-nineteenth century. Volume 2 covers his work on the burgeoning telegraph network, touching also on his personal qualities and political pursuits.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2012
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108052900
    • length: 1254 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 73 mm
    • weight: 1.7kg
    • contains: 164 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Volume 1: Preface
    1. Family memoirs
    2. Boyhood
    3. Land telegraphs
    4. The cable to Ireland
    5. The Atlantic cable
    Index. Volume 2:
    1. The Mediterranean cables
    2. 1860–3
    3. The telegraph to India
    4. The Greenwich election
    5. 1865–99
    6. West India cables
    7. 1873–4
    8. Land telegraphs
    9. Mining
    10. The fire alarm
    11. Telephony
    12. Electric lighting
    13. Railways
    14. Various evidence and reports
    15. The Paris Exhibition
    16. The Institute of Electrical Engineers
    17. Colleagues and pupils
    18. Volunteering
    19. Freemasonry
    20. The Needlemakers Company
    21. Home life and recreations
    22. Death and funeral
    23. Summary

  • Authors

    Edward Brailsford Bright

    Charles Bright

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