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Religion, Science, and Worldview

Religion, Science, and Worldview
Essays in Honor of Richard S. Westfall

B. J. T. Dobbs, Ernan McMullin, J. Bruce Brackenridge, R. W. Home, Peter M. Harman, Edward Grant, Margaret J. Osler, Ron Millen, Edward G. Ruestow, Stephen M. Straker, Victor E. Thoren, James A. Ruffner, Paul Lawrence Farber
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  • Date Published: August 2002
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521524933


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About the Authors
  • This collection of original essays by his former graduate students and colleagues honors Richard S. Westfall, a highly influential scholar in the history of the physical sciences and their relations with religion. The book is divided into three parts that reflect Professor Westfall's scholarly interests and activity: the life, work, and influence of Newton; science and religion; and historiographical and social studies of science. These contributions represent a variety of approaches to the history of science, including the development of scientific ideas per se, the influence of philosophical and religious ideas on the development of science, and the study of science as a social activity. This valuable collection demonstrates the wide scope of Professor Westfall's influence on his students and on the scholarly community as a whole.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2002
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521524933
    • length: 368 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 21 mm
    • weight: 0.54kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of illustrations
    Part I. Newtonian Studies:
    1. Conceptual problems in Newton's early chemistry: a preliminary study B. J. T. Dobbs
    2. The significance of Newton's Principia for empiricism Ernan McMullin
    3. The defective diagram as an analytical device in Newton's Principia J. Bruce Brackenridge
    4. Force, electricity, and the powers of living matter in Newton's mature philosophy of nature R. W. Home
    5. Concepts of inertia: Newton to Kant Peter M. Harman
    Part II. Science and Religion:
    6. Celestial perfection from the Middle Ages to the late seventeenth century Edward Grant
    7. Baptizing Epicurean atomism: Pierre Gassendi on the immortality of the soul Margaret J. Osler
    8. The manifestation of occult qualities in the scientific revolution Ron Millen
    9. Piety and the defense of natural order: Swammerdam on generation Edward G. Ruestow
    Part III. Historiography and the Social Context of Science:
    10. What is the history of theories of perception the history of? Stephen M. Straker
    11. Tycho Brahe as the dean of a Renaissance research institute Victor E. Thoren
    12. Agricola and community: cognition and response to the concept of coal James A. Ruffner
    13. Theories for the birds: an inquiry into the significance of the theory of evolution for the history of systematics Paul Lawrence Farber
    Bibliography of Richard S. Westfall's writings on the history of science

  • Editors

    Margaret J. Osler, University of Calgary

    Paul Lawrence Farber


    B. J. T. Dobbs, Ernan McMullin, J. Bruce Brackenridge, R. W. Home, Peter M. Harman, Edward Grant, Margaret J. Osler, Ron Millen, Edward G. Ruestow, Stephen M. Straker, Victor E. Thoren, James A. Ruffner, Paul Lawrence Farber

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