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Look Inside On Horseback through Asia Minor

On Horseback through Asia Minor

Volume 2

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Travel, Middle East and Asia Minor

  • Date Published: December 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108037600


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About the Authors
  • Frederick Burnaby (1842–85) joined the Royal Horse Guards in 1859, but, when not assigned to active duty, he crafted his own adventures. He ballooned across the English Channel, and travelled in Spain, Asia Minor and Russia. He was wounded, and eventually killed, fighting for the British Empire. His book, A Ride to Khiva (1876) gave a personal account of his hazardous mission into Russian territory during the 'Great Game' when the British and Russian Empires were vying for power in central Asia. It was an instant bestseller, and brought him overnight fame. This two-volume work, published in 1877, recounts his next adventure: a two-thousand mile journey through Asia Minor to assess Turkey's chances in the impending war with Russia. On the way, he creates vivid snapshots of the region and the people he encounters. Volume 2 covers the journey from Armenia to the Black Sea and includes numerous appendices.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108037600
    • length: 426 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 24 mm
    • weight: 0.54kg
    • contains: 2 maps
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. My host
    2. The Mohammedan school
    3. Radford
    4. The Armenian church
    5. Hasta Khan
    6. Kemach
    7. Erzingan
    8. Russia's conduct in Servia
    9. Climbing the mountains
    10. The Pacha's interpreter
    11. The European society in Erzeroum
    12. A conversation with the Pacha
    13. The weather
    14. The Turkish cemetery
    15. The Kurd
    16. Low hills
    17. Clearing the way
    18. Armenian lads
    19. A spy
    20. A Yezeed (devil-worshippers) village
    21. Dinner
    22. Villages
    23. No signs of Khoi
    24. The bazaar
    25. Kotoor
    26. The artillery at practice
    27. An extempore market
    28. Akserai
    29. My host
    30. Alongside the river Murad
    31. Mohammed's febrifuge
    32. The garrison of Kars
    33. The march to Ardahan
    34. Ardanusch
    35. The precipice
    36. Price of corn
    37. The journey is over.

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    Fred Burnaby

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    Fred Burnaby

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