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The Naval Chronicle

The Naval Chronicle
Containing a General and Biographical History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom with a Variety of Original Papers on Nautical Subjects
40 Volume Set

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Naval Chronicle

  • Date Published: September 2010
  • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108018807

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • The Naval Chronicle, published in 40 volumes between 1799 and 1818, is a key source for British maritime and military history, and is also sought after by those researching family histories. The wide-ranging subject matter includes accounts of battles, notices of promotions, marriages and deaths, reports of courts martial, shipwrecks, privateers and prizes, notes on the latest technology, biographies and poetry, and letters. It was issued in regular instalments (sometimes reprinted with corrections) by Bunney and Gold, later Joyce Gold, in London, and bound up into two volumes per year. Printed economically, on paper of varying weights and often using very small type, the extant copies have been heavily used over the course of two centuries. They present significant conservation challenges and are difficult to find outside major libraries. This reissue is the first complete printed reproduction of what was the most influential maritime publication of its day.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 2010
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108018807
    • length: 22930 pages
    • dimensions: 480 x 355 x 379 mm
    • weight: 33kg
    • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • Table of Contents

    Volume 1. January–July 1799. Volume 2. July–December 1799. Volume 3. January–July 1800. Volume 4. July–December 1800. Volume 5. January–July 1801. Volume 6. July–December 1801. Volume 7. January–July 1802. Volume 8. July–December 1802. Volume 9. January–July 1803. Volume 10. July–December 1803. Volume 11. January–July 1804. Volume 12. July–December 1804. Volume 13. January–July 1805. Volume 14. July–December 1805. Volume 15. January–July 1806. Volume 16. July–December 1806. Volume 17. January–July 1807. Volume 18. July–December 1807. Volume 19. January–July 1808. Volume 20. July–December 1808. Volume 21. January–July 1809. Volume 22. July–December 1809. Volume 23. January–July 1810. Volume 24. July–December 1810. Volume 25. January–July 1811. Volume 26. July–December 1811. Volume 27. January–July 1812. Volume 28. July–December 1812. Volume 29. January–July 1813. Volume 30. July–December 1813. Volume 31. January–July 1814. Volume 32. July–December 1814. Volume 33. January–July 1815. Volume 34. July–December 1815. Volume 35. January–July 1816. Volume 36. July–December 1816. Volume 37. January–July 1817. Volume 38. July–December 1817. Volume 39. January–July 1818. Volume 40. July–December 1818.

  • Editors

    James Stanier Clarke

    John McArthur

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