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Look Inside Socialist Banking and Monetary Control

Socialist Banking and Monetary Control
The Experience of Poland

Part of Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies

  • Date Published: March 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521130974


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About the Authors
  • Originally published in 1973, this book deals with the development of financial institutions, changes in methods of finance and the role of monetary control in socialist economic management. The structure and activity of financial institutions were deliberately adapted to changes in policy planning techniques used in socialist economies. Dr Podolski provides a systematic description of this process of adaptation, based mainly on the example of the Polish economy, on which he has gathered a large amount of statistical data. Throughout the book international comparisons are made. Soviet experience is particularly relevant, but attempts are also made at comparisons with Western economies. Dr Podolski's study sheds a great deal of light on the role of the credit system in a centralised economy and will be of value to anyone with an interest in banking and monetary policy, or Soviet and Eastern Bloc economies.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521130974
    • length: 408 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 23 mm
    • weight: 0.52kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Background Information:
    1. Monetary control: meaning, problems of comparative treatment, some relevant Western concepts
    2. The origins of socialist banking and monetary control
    3. Banking and credit in Poland before 1939
    Part II. Banking and Monetary Control in Centralised Socialist Planning:
    4. Banking and monetary policy in Poland before the financial reforms of 1948–50
    5. The financial reforms of 1948–50 and the emergence of a centralised financial system
    6. Monetary control in practice
    Part III. Reforms of Banking and Monetary Control During Attempts at Decentralised Planning:
    7. A prelude to decentralisation - credit reforms at the end of the Six Year Plan
    8. In search of a monetary policy in decentralised planning. I. An experiment with stringent monetary control
    9. In search of a monetary policy in decentralised planning. II. The adoption of lenient credit control
    10. The reforms of 1965: a timid step towards credit finance of investment
    11. The banking and credit reforms of 1969–70: a bolder step towards credit finance of investment
    12. Some concluding observations

  • Author

    T. M. Podolski

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