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Look Inside The Buccaneers of America

The Buccaneers of America
A True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of Late Years Upon the Coasts of the West Indies by the Buccaneers of Jamaica and Tortuga

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Naval and Military History

  • Date Published: December 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108024815


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About the Authors
  • John Esquemeling (better known as Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin) (c. 1645–1707) was a French barber-surgeon best remembered for this classic account of the buccaneer pirates of the West Indies. After travelling to Tortuga in 1666, Esquemeling joined the buccaneer company of Henry Morgan, one of the most successful and notorious privateers of the period. This volume, first published in English in 1684, and now reissued from the 1893 reprint, contains Esquemeling's detailed account of Morgan's dramatic exploits and adventures. Covering the period 1668–1674, Esquemeling recounts in fascinating detail Morgan's infamous attacks on Spanish-controlled ports in Cuba, Hispaniola and Costa Rica, and vividly describes the sack of the city of Panama and its aftermath in 1671. This work was the first account published in English of the lives of the buccaneers, and remains one of the most important sources for descriptions of seventeenth-century piracy.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108024815
    • length: 566 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 32 mm
    • weight: 0.82kg
    • contains: 7 b/w illus. 1 map
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    The translator to the reader
    Part I:
    1. The author sets forth towards the Western Islands, in the service of the West India Company of France
    2. Description of the Island of Tortuga
    3. Description of the great and famous island of Hispaniola
    4. Of the fruits, trees and animals that are found at Hispaniola
    5. Of all sorts of quadruped animals and birds that are found in this island
    6. Of the origin of the most famous pirates of the coasts of America
    7. After what manner the pirates arm their vessels, and how they regulate their voyages
    Part II:
    1. Origin of Francis L'Ollonais, and beginning of his robberies
    2. L'Ollonais equips a fleet to land upon the Spanish islands of America, with intent to rob, sac, and burn whatever he met
    3. L'Ollonais makes new preparations to take the city of St. James de Leon
    4. Of the origin and descent of Captain Henry Morgan
    5. Some account of the Island of Cuba
    6. Captain Morgan resolveth to attack and plunder the city of Porto Bello
    7. Captain Morgan taketh the city of Maracaibo, on the coast of New Venezuela
    Part III:
    1. Captain Morgan goes to the Isle of Hispaniola to equip a new fleet, with intent to pillage again upon the coasts of the West Indies
    2. What happened in the river De la Hacha
    3. Captain Morgan leaves the Island of Hispaniola, and goes to that of St. Catharine, which he takes
    4. Captain Morgan takes the Castle of Chagre, with four hundred men sent for this purpose from the Isle of St. Catharine
    5. Captain Morgan departs from the Castle of Chagre, at the head of one thousand two hundred men, with design to take the city of Panama
    6. Captain Morgan sends several canoes and boats to the South Sea
    7. Of a voyage made by the author, along the coasts of Costa Rica, at his return towards Jamaica
    8. The author departs towards the Cape of Gracias à Dios
    9. The relation of the shipwreck, which Monsieur Bertram Ogeron, Governor of the Isle of Tortuga, suffered near the Isles of Guadanillas
    10. A relation of what encounters lately happened at the Island of Cayana and Tobago
    Part IV:
    1. Captain Coxon, Sawkins, Sharp and others set forth in a fleet towards the province of Darien, upon the continent of America
    2. They march towards the town of Santa Maria
    3. They take the town of Santa Maria
    4. The Buccaneers leave the town of Santa Maria, and proceed by sea to take Panama
    5. Shipwreck of Mr. Ringrose
    6. The Buccaneers prosecute their voyage, till they come within sight of Panama
    7. They arrive within sight of Panama
    8. Description of the state and condition of Panama
    9. Captain Sawkins is killed before Puebla Nueva
    10. They depart from the Island of Cayboa to the Island of Gorgona
    11. The Buccaneers depart from the Isle of Gorgona, with design to plunder Arica
    12. Captain Sharp and his company depart from the Isle of Plate, in prosecution of their voyage towards Arica
    13. A continuation of their long and tedious voyage to Arica
    14. The Buccaneers depart from the Port of Hilo, and sail to that of Coquimbo
    15. The Buccaneers depart from Coquimbo for the Isle of Juan Fernandez
    16. The Buccaneers depart from the Isle of Juan Fernandez to that of Iquique
    17. A description of the Bay of Arica
    18. They depart from the Port of Hilo to the Gulf of Nicoya
    19. They depart from the Gulf of Nicoya to Golfo Dulce
    20. They depart from Golfo Dulce, to go and cruise under the Quiinoctial
    21. They take another Spanish ship richly laden under the Equinoctial
    22. They arrive at Paitz, where they are disappointed of their expectations
    23. The Buccaneers arrive at a place incognito, to which they give the name of the Duke of York's Islands
    24. They depart from the English Gulf in quest of the Straits of Magellan
    25. The Buccaneers continue their navigation.

  • Author

    John Esquemeling


    Henry Powell

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