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Look Inside The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain

The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain

Volume 2. 1100–1400

Part of The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain

Christopher de Hamel, Rodney M. Thomson, Nigel J. Morgan, Pamela Robinson, M. B. Parkes, Michael Gullick, Nicholas Hadcraft, M. A. Michael, Richard Sharpe, Jeremy Catto, Jan Ziolkowski, Michael Twomey, Nigel Ramsay, Alan Fletcher, Anne Hudson, Alexandra Barratt, Tony Hunt, Julia Boffey, A. S. G. Edwards, Daniel Huws, Geoffrey Martin, Charles Burnett, Peter Jones, Nicolas Bell, Martin Kauffman
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  • Date Published: March 2014
  • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107636767


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About the Authors
  • This is the first history of the book in Britain from the Norman Conquest until the early fifteenth century. The twenty-six expert contributors to this volume discuss the manuscript book from a variety of angles: as physical object (manufacture, format, writing and decoration); its purpose and readership (books for monasteries, for the Church's liturgy, for elementary and advanced instruction, for courtly entertainment); and as the vehicle for particular types of text (history, sermons, medical treatises, law and administration, music). In all of this, the broader, changing social and cultural context is kept in mind, and so are the various connections with continental Europe. The volume includes a full bibliography and 80 black and white plates.

    • The most authoritative history of the early medieval book available
    • Contributors include world experts on manuscripts and palaeography
    • Features extensive bibliographies and many illustrations
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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2014
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107636767
    • length: 717 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 152 x 38 mm
    • weight: 1.04kg
    • contains: 87 b/w illus.
    • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. The Roles of Books:
    1. Books and society Christopher de Hamel
    2. Language and literacy Rodney M. Thomson and Nigel J. Morgan
    Part II. Book Production:
    3. The format of books: books, booklets and rolls Pamela Robinson
    4. Layout and presentation of the text M. B. Parkes
    5. Technology of production of the manuscript book: I. Parchment and ruling Rodney M. Thomson
    II. Illumination Nigel J. Morgan
    III. Binding Michael Gullick and Nicholas Hadcraft
    6. Handwriting in English books c.1100–1425 M. B. Parkes
    7. Monastic and Cathedral book production Rodney M. Thomson
    8. Urban production of manuscript books and the role of the university towns M. A. Michael
    Part III. Readership, Libraries, Texts and Contexts:
    9. Library catalogues and indexes Richard Sharpe
    10. University and monastic texts: I. Biblical exegesis, theology,and philosophy Jeremy Catto
    II. Latin poetry, satires, fables and grammar Jan Ziolkowski
    III. Encyclopaedias Michael Twomey
    11. Law Nigel Ramsay
    12. Books for the liturgy and private prayer Nigel J. Morgan
    13. Compilations for preaching and Lollard literature: I. Compilations for preaching Alan Fletcher
    II. Lollard literature Anne Hudson
    14. Spiritual writings and religious instruction Alexandra Barratt
    15. Vernacular literature and its readership: I. Anglo-Norman Tony Hunt
    II. Middle English Julia Boffey and A. S. G. Edwards
    III. Welsh Daniel Huws
    16. History and history books Geoffrey Martin and Rodney M. Thomson
    17. Archive books Nigel Ramsay
    18. Scientific and medical writings Charles Burnett and Peter Jones
    19. Music Nicolas Bell
    20. Illustration and decoration Martin Kauffman
    General index
    Index of manuscripts

  • Editors

    Nigel J. Morgan, University of Cambridge
    Nigel J. Morgan is Honorary Professor of the History of Art at the University of Cambridge and Emeritus Professor at the University of Oslo.

    Rodney M. Thomson, University of Tasmania
    Rodney M. Thomson is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Tasmania.


    Christopher de Hamel, Rodney M. Thomson, Nigel J. Morgan, Pamela Robinson, M. B. Parkes, Michael Gullick, Nicholas Hadcraft, M. A. Michael, Richard Sharpe, Jeremy Catto, Jan Ziolkowski, Michael Twomey, Nigel Ramsay, Alan Fletcher, Anne Hudson, Alexandra Barratt, Tony Hunt, Julia Boffey, A. S. G. Edwards, Daniel Huws, Geoffrey Martin, Charles Burnett, Peter Jones, Nicolas Bell, Martin Kauffman

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