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Look Inside The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain

The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain

Volume 4. 1557–1695

Part of The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain

John Barnard, Patrick Collinson, Arnold Hunt, Alexandra Walsham, Ian Green, Kate Peters, Harold Love, Peter Beal, Mary Chan, Julian Roberts, Graham Parry, David McKitterick, Nicolas Barker, Laurence Worms, Michael Brennan, Adrian Johns, Mark Greengrass, Elisabeth Leedham-Green, James P. Carley, John Pitcher, Joad Raymond, Paul Hammond, Nigel Smith, Maureen Bell, B. J. McMullin, J. H. Baker, R. C. Simmons, Lynette Hunter, Carolyn Nelson, Matthew Seccombe, D. F. McKenzie, James Raven, John Bidwell, Mirjam M. Foot, Randall Anderson, Peter Campbell, T. A. Birrell, Jonquil Bevan, Robert Welch, Philip Henry Jones, Paul Hoftijzer, Hugh Amory, Michael Treadwell, C. Y. Ferdinand
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  • Date Published: March 2014
  • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107657854


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About the Authors
  • Volume 4 of The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain covers the years between the incorporation of the Stationers' Company in 1557 and the lapsing of the Licensing Act in 1695. In a period marked by deep religious divisions, civil war and the uneasy settlement of the Restoration, printed texts - important as they were for disseminating religious and political ideas, both heterodox and state approved - interacted with oral and manuscript cultures. These years saw a growth in reading publics, from the developing mass market in almanacs, ABCs, chapbooks, ballads and news, to works of instruction and leisure. Atlases, maps and travel literature overlapped with the popular market but were also part of the project of empire. Alongside the creation of a literary canon and the establishment of literary publishing there was a tradition of dissenting publishing, while women's writing and reading became increasingly visible.

    • First multi-volume history of the book in Britain
    • International team of contributors who are at the forefront in the scholarship of the sociology of the text
    • First attempt to examine this period as a whole in bibliographic terms
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'The bibliography is extensive and detailed, and the index comprehensive and thorough. … here we have, naturally in book form, a major scholarly survey of just about every aspect of the book, commercial, physical and intellectual.' Reference Reviews

    '… this fourth volume of the The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain will be a constant source of information and a stimulus to further thought: like its predecessor, it is a splendid achievement.' The Times Literary Supplement

    '… the editors deserve congratulation for persuading so many eminent scholars to write to their strengths in such a pleasantly readable manner.' The Times Literary Supplement

    '… the volume's range of scholarship is impressive. A rich group of illustrations … add to the reader's understanding of the texts themselves … must immediately become required reading for any student of early modern religion … All the contributors, as well as Cambridge University Press, must be congratulated on this splendidly comprehensive volume … it is a pleasure to read as well as an invaluable reference work.' Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    'However, what this volume should do is encourage book historians out of their period and subject specialisms. It should also stimulate a broader acknowledgment of the importance of the book and the book trade.' Journal of the Printing Historical Society

    '… our … most heartfelt thanks go to Cambridge University Press for a 'Cambridge History' fully worthy of its distinguished predecessors.' The Book Collector

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2014
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107657854
    • length: 947 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 153 x 48 mm
    • weight: 1.33kg
    • contains: 44 b/w illus.
    • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction John Barnard
    Part I. Religion and Politics:
    1. Religious publishing in England 1557–1640 Patrick Collinson, Arnold Hunt and Alexandra Walsham
    2. Religious publishing in England c.1640–1695 Ian Green and Kate Peters
    Part II. Oral Traditions and Scribal Culture:
    3. Oral and scribal texts in early modern England Harold Love
    4. John Donne and the circulation of manuscripts Peter Beal
    5. Music books Mary Chan
    Part III. Literature of the Learned:
    6. The Latin trade Julian Roberts
    7. Patronage and the printing of learned works for the author Graham Parry
    8. University printing at Oxford and Cambridge David McKitterick
    9. Editing the past: classical and historical scholarship Nicolas Barker
    10. Maps and atlases Laurence Worms
    11. The literature of travel Michael Brennan
    12. Science and the book Adrian Johns
    13. Samuel Hartlib and the commonwealth of learning Mark Greengrass
    14. Ownership, private and public libraries Elisabeth Leedham-Green and David McKitterick
    15. Monastic collections and their disposal James P. Carley
    Part IV. Literary Canons:
    16. Literature, the playhouse and the public John Pitcher
    17. Milton Joad Raymond
    18. The Restoration poetic and dramatic canon Paul Hammond
    19. Non-conformist voices Nigel Smith
    20. Women writing and women written Maureen Bell
    Part V. Vernacular Traditions:
    21. The Bible trade B. J. McMullin
    22. English law books and legal publishing J. H. Baker
    23. ABCs, almanacs, ballads, chapbooks, popular piety and textbooks R. C. Simmons
    24. Books for daily life: household, husbandry, behaviour Lynette Hunter
    25. The creation of the periodical press 1620–1695 Carolyn Nelson and Matthew Seccombe
    Part VI. The Business of Print:
    26. Printing and publishing 1557–1700: constraints on the London book trades D. F. McKenzie
    27. The economic context 1557–1695 James Raven
    28. French paper in English books John Bidwell
    29. The old English letter foundries Nicolas Barker
    30. Bookbinding Mirjam M. Foot
    31. Mise-en-page, illustration, expressive form: introduction Maureen Bell
    Paratextual features of printed books Randall Anderson
    The typography of Hobbes's Leviathan Peter Campbell
    The Polyglot Bible Nicolas Barker
    The look of news: Popish Plot narratives 1678–1680 Harold Love
    Sir Roger L'Estrange: the journalism of orality T. A. Birrell
    Part VII. Beyond London: Production, Distribution, Reception:
    32. The English provinces John Barnard and Maureen Bell
    33. Scotland Jonquil Bevan
    34. The book in Ireland from the Tudor re-conquest to the Battle of the Boyne Robert Welch
    35. Wales Philip Henry Jones
    36. British books abroad: the Continent Paul Hoftijzer
    37. British books abroad: the American colonies Hugh Amory
    Part VIII. Disruption and Restructuring: The Late Seventeenth-Century Book Trade:
    38. The stationers and the printing acts at the end of the seventeenth century Michael Treadwell
    Statistical appendices:
    1. Statistical tables
    2. Stationers' company apprentices C. Y. Ferdinand.

  • Editors

    John Barnard, University of Leeds
    John Barnard was, until 2001, Professor of English Literature at the University of Leeds.

    D. F. McKenzie, University of Oxford
    D. F. McKenzie was amongst the most influential bibliographers of his generation.


    Maureen Bell, University of Birmingham
    Maureen Bell is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Birmingham.


    John Barnard, Patrick Collinson, Arnold Hunt, Alexandra Walsham, Ian Green, Kate Peters, Harold Love, Peter Beal, Mary Chan, Julian Roberts, Graham Parry, David McKitterick, Nicolas Barker, Laurence Worms, Michael Brennan, Adrian Johns, Mark Greengrass, Elisabeth Leedham-Green, James P. Carley, John Pitcher, Joad Raymond, Paul Hammond, Nigel Smith, Maureen Bell, B. J. McMullin, J. H. Baker, R. C. Simmons, Lynette Hunter, Carolyn Nelson, Matthew Seccombe, D. F. McKenzie, James Raven, John Bidwell, Mirjam M. Foot, Randall Anderson, Peter Campbell, T. A. Birrell, Jonquil Bevan, Robert Welch, Philip Henry Jones, Paul Hoftijzer, Hugh Amory, Michael Treadwell, C. Y. Ferdinand

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