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A Pepysian Garland

A Pepysian Garland
Black-Letter Broadside Ballads of the Years 1595–1639 Chiefly from the Collection of Samuel Pepys

George Attowell, Thomas Brewer, William Turner, William Meash, T. Pilatte, Edward Culter, Martin Parker, John Cart, William Cooke, Thomas Dickerson, Ll. Morgan, T. F., Richard Climsal, Robert Guy, Laurence Price, Charles Rickets
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  • Date Published: March 2012
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107607750


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About the Authors
  • Originally published in 1922, this book provides a selection of broadside ballads taken from the collection of Samuel Pepys. The ballads are largely taken from the first volume of the Pepys collection, covering the years 1595 to 1639, with a small number of ballads from other collections also contained. Ballads are each given a separate introduction with information on bibliography, indication of where a tune can be found, dates and general provenance. Additional material includes illustrative figures and a glossarial index. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the English ballad tradition and the Pepys Library.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2012
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107607750
    • length: 526 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 30 mm
    • weight: 0.77kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Francis' new jig (1595) George Attowell
    2. A new ballad composed in commendation of the society or company of the porters (1605) Thomas Brewer
    3. Caleb Shillock's prophecy, or the Jew's prediction (1607)
    4. The lamentable complaint of France for the death of the late King Henry IV (1610)
    5. Turner's dish of lenten stuff (1612) William Turner
    6. Whipping cheer (1612?)
    7. The joyful peace concluded between the King of Denmark and the King of Sweden (1613)
    8. Leander's love to loyal hero (1614) William Meash
    9. The arraignment of John Flodder and his wife (1615)
    10. The famous rat-catcher (1615?)
    11. The history of the prophet Jonas (1615?)
    12. The cucking of a scold (1615?)
    13. This maid would give them ten shillings for a kiss (1615?)
    14. Anne Warren's lamentation 1616) T. Pilatte
    15. Sir Walter Raleigh's lamentation (1618)
    16. Damnable practices of three Lincolnshire witches (1619)
    17. Murther unmasked, or Barneveld's base conspiracy (1619)
    18. A prophecy of the judgement day (1620?)
    19. The pedlar opening of his pack (1620?)
    20. The lamenting lady (1620?)
    21. A country jig between Simon and Susan (1620?)
    22. The post of ware (1621?)
    23. The deserved downfall of a corrupted conscience (1621)
    24. A battle of birds most strangely fought in Ireland (1622)
    25. The lamentable burning of the city of Cork (1622)
    26. The Frenchman's wonder, or the battle of the birds (1676)
    27. A pleasant new song of the back's complaint for belly's wrong (1622) Edward Culter
    28. A new-year's gift for the Pope (1624)
    29. The soldier's farewell to his love (1624)
    30. A comfortable new ballad of a dream of a sinner (1624)
    31. A most excellent ditty called Collins' conceit (1624)
    32. A passing bell tolling to call us to minds (1624)
    33. A statute for swearers and drunkards (1624)
    34. A merry new catch of all trades (1624?)
    35. News out of East India (1624)
    36. A pleasant new ballad, both merry and witty, that sheweth the humours of the wives in the city (1625?)
    37. The two Welsh lovers (1625?) Martin Parker
    38. News good and new, too good to be true (1625?)
    39. The cries of the dead (1625?)
    40. A proverb old, yet ne'er forgot, 'tis good to strike while the iron's hot (1625?) Martin Parker
    41. The wiving age (1625?) Martin Parker
    42. The cunning age (1626?) John Cart
    43. The cheating age (1626?) William Cooke
    44. The life an death of Mr George Sandys (1626)
    45. John Spenser, a Cheshire gallant, his life and repentance (1626?) Thomas Dickerson
    46. Nobody's counsel to choose a wife (1626?)
    47. Every man's condition (1627?) Ll. Morgan
    48. The tragedy of Dr Lamb (1628) Martin Parker
    49. The unnatural wife, or the lamentable murder of one goodman Davis (1628)
    50. A warning for all desperate women by the example of Alice Davis (1628)
    51. Rochelle her yielding to the obedience of the French King (1628) Martin Parker
    52. A warning for wives by the example of one Katherine Francis (1629) Martin Parker
    53. The Western knight and the young maid of Bristol (1629)
    54. The father hath beguiled the son (1629) Martin Parker
    55. A fool's bolt is soon shot (1629) T. F.
    56. Fourpence halfpenny farthing (1629) Martin Parker
    57. A banquet for sovereign husbands (1629?) Martin Parker
    58. A he-devil (1630) Martin Parker
    59. I tell you, John Jarret, you'll break (1630)
    60. A wonder in Kent: of which the admirable stomach of one Nicholas Wood (1630) Richard Climsal
    61. The judgement of Solomon (1630?)
    62. 'Tis not otherwise, or the praise of a married life (1630?)
    63. A goodfellow's complaint against strong beer (1630?)
    64. The honest, plain-dealing porter (1630?) Martin Parker
    65. A looking-glass for corn-hoarders by the example of John Russell (1631)
    66. News from the Tower Hill (1631) Martin Parker
    67. A good throw for three maidenheads (1631?) Martin Parker
    68. A wonder beyond man's expecta

  • Editor

    Hyder E. Rollins


    George Attowell, Thomas Brewer, William Turner, William Meash, T. Pilatte, Edward Culter, Martin Parker, John Cart, William Cooke, Thomas Dickerson, Ll. Morgan, T. F., Richard Climsal, Robert Guy, Laurence Price, Charles Rickets

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