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Look Inside 'The Winter's Tale' in Performance in England and America 1611–1976

'The Winter's Tale' in Performance in England and America 1611–1976

  • Date Published: April 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521206600


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About the Authors
  • This 1982 book demonstrates the value of the approach to Shakespeare which works on the assumption that in the final judgement it is only in performance that a play is fully realised. Recapturing in lively detail the major performances of The Winter's Tale from Jacobean England to the twentieth century, the book ranges through England and America. Productions by Reinhardt in Germany and Copeau in France are also glanced at; the staging of the play by the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen's company in London is given more detailed treatment. Dennis Bartholomeusz sees the great performances as acts of criticism and creation, and pays close attention the effect of textual cuts, grouping and movement, costume, set design and music, illustrating the text with contemporary paintings, prints, scene designs and photographs. The Winter's Tale was chosen because it raises salient issues that are critical to the staging of Shakespeare's plays.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521206600
    • length: 296 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 17 mm
    • weight: 0.44kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of plates
    1. The Winter's Tale on the open stage - 1611–1634
    2. The eighteenth century
    3. John Philip Kemble - The Winter's Tale in a picture frame
    4. From Macready to Phelps
    5. Charles Kean's interpretation of The Winter's Tale
    6. The Winter's Tale in New York
    7. From Barrett to Beerbohm Tree
    8. The New Theatre (New York), the Savoy (London): Winthrop Ames and Granville-Barker on the open stage
    9. Boston, New York, London, Connecticut, Ontario, Oregon - 1912–1975
    10. The Winter's Tale at Stratford-upon-Avon
    Afterword: actors and critics
    Select bibliography

  • Author

    Dennis Bartholomeusz

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