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International Business

9th Edition

  • Date Published: September 2021
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108701440


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About the Authors
  • Thoroughly updated, the 9th edition of this bestselling textbook incorporates global trends and data, supported by an exemplary case selection based on firms from around the world. The internationally cited author team of Czinkota, Ronkainen, and Gupta balance conceptual understanding of business theory with the day-to-day realities of business practice, preparing students to become successful participants in the global business place. This edition brings greater focus on Asia and emerging markets, as well as Brexit, the impact of COVID-19 on business and the importance of technology and the digital space to international business practice. Through its discussion and analysis, the book guides students to a greater understanding of contemporary business issues and helps them to develop new tools of analysis. Covering all key aspects of international business, the authors emphasize a few key dimensions: international context, role of government in international business, small- and medium-sized firms, and social responsibility.

    • Completely updated with current and future issues to ensure students understand changing and growing global markets and opportunities
    • Uses world-wide examples to demonstrate linkages and allow students to comprehend new perspectives
    • Incorporates current and ongoing research and blends theory and applications so students can understand facts rather than just the perception provided by theory
    • Highlights technology and new approaches used in international business to show students the most fast and efficient ways of operating
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'This classic and popular textbook on international business by Czinkota, Ronkainen, and Gupta is fully updated in the ninth edition with the impact of the COVID pandemic, Brexit, and the rise in Asia of doing business globally. The authors have also included the role of small and medium enterprises in international trade and commerce. Everything you want to know about international business is in this book!' Jagdish N. Sheth, Emory University, USA

    'The book does a great job in covering very fluently and in an easy-to-read manner the relevant themes in international business, from the macro-economic factors down to individual manager-level questions. It is a balanced package also in terms of providing cases, examples, and information from various parts of the world, and very usefully provides an abundance of valuable sources of further information.' Hannu Seristö, Aalto University

    'This classic book, which has withstood the test of time, has become even more resourceful in this edition with the enhanced discussion of topics related to digital online ethics; corporate governance; and corporate social responsibility - covering both the developed and the growth markets. The broad coverage of topics and the in-depth details of each topic make it compelling to read for mastering knowledge in international business today.' V. Kumar, Indian School of Business

    'In the crowded portfolio of International Business books, the text by Czinkota, Ronkainen, and Gupta stands out for its unique and innovative features and for an up-to-date input on key aspects of IB. It also covers emerging key topics such as those of data knowledge, digital contributions, and virtual thinking, amongst others. Its reader- and user-friendly features should be appealing to both students and tutors.' Pawan Budhwar, Aston Business School, UK

    'The Czinkota, Ronkainen, and Gupta International Business text (ninth edition) is a classic in this field. It provides the information and examples needed to understand the importance of international business. The new edition is also helpful in covering very contemporary issues, such as protectionism and the worries over increased globalization. This excellent text continues to be a standard for students and instructors alike.' David Ahlstrom, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    'This book, now in its ninth edition, benefits from the vast knowledge and academic experience of three known IB scholars. It is an up-to-date coverage of pertinent IB topics, contained in fifteen chapters and a collection of cases representing a mix of scenarios, industries, and contexts. The authors have thoughtfully included chapters on emerging markets, international supply chain, sustainability, digital IB, and the future of IB. These non-traditional chapters play increasingly important roles in IB research and education. In particular, sustainability is expected to be an ongoing theme in IB. The many examples and current cases provide interesting angles, and case studies provide a rich basis for class discussions.' Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa

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    Product details

    • Edition: 9th Edition
    • Date Published: September 2021
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108701440
    • length: 588 pages
    • dimensions: 246 x 189 x 27 mm
    • weight: 1.27kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I:
    1. The International Business Imperative
    2. Trade and Investment Policies
    3. The Essence of Culture
    4. Politics and Law
    Part II:
    5. Financial Management
    6. Developing and Emerging Markets and Their Integration
    7. Building Data and Knowledge
    8. Entry and Expansion
    Part III:
    9. International Marketing
    10. Services
    11. International Supply-Chain Management
    12. Managing Globally
    Part IV:
    13. Ownership, Governance, and Sustainability
    14. Digital Contributions for International Business
    15 The Future and the Soul of International Business.

  • Authors

    Michael R. Czinkota, Georgetown University, Washington DC
    Michael R. Czinkota is Professor Emeritus at Georgetown University, teaching International Business, Trade, and Marketing at Robert McDonough School of Business. He studied law and business at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and holds an MBA in international business and a PhD in Logistics from The Ohio State University. He has held professorial appointments at universities in Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas. He was listed among the top three contributors to international business research by the Academy of International Business. Widely published in international newspapers, he has been awarded three honorary degrees and gives frequent discourses to business, government and academic groups.

    Ilkka A. Ronkainen, Georgetown University, Washington DC
    Ilkka A. Ronkainen is Professor Emeritus of Marketing and International Business at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, where he served as associate director (1981–86) and chairman (1986–87) of the National Center for Export-Import Studies and director of the Hong Kong Program. He holds a PhD and a master's degree from the University of South Carolina and an M.S. (economics) from the Helsinki School of Economics. He was visiting professor and docent of international marketing at the Aalto University School of Business (HSE). He serves on the review boards of the Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, and Journal of Travel Research and has reviewed for the Journal of International Marketing and the Journal of International Business Studies.

    Suraksha Gupta, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
    Suraksha Gupta is a Professor of Marketing and Director of Research at Newcastle University, London UK. She holds MBA from Institute of Management Technology, India and PhD in Marketing from Brunel University, UK. She has been awarded Best Professor in Marketing for her teaching and for Excellence in Academic Research for her work as a marketing scholar. She has served as member of review boards of journals such as British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research and Industrial Marketing Management. Her research has been published in Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research and Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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