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Operations Management
An Integrated Approach

Prakash J. Singh, David Parker, Willem Selen, Danny Samson, Sum Chee Chuong, Senevi Kiridena, Daniel Prajogo, Danny Samson, Richard Lane, Paul Hyland, Claudine Soosay, Lawrie Corbett, Ross Chapman, Terry Sloan, Ron Beckett, Damien Power, Suzy Goldsmith, Victoria Hanna, John Morgan, Jay Sankaran, Kevin Burgess, Bin Jiang, Patrick J. Murphy, Dayna Simpson, Tom Bevington, Phillip Irvine, D. Clay Whybark, Brett Allen, R. D. Pathak, Z. Husain, Sushil, Kannan Sethuraman
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  • Date Published: May 2008
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521700771


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About the Authors
  • Operations Management: An Integrated Approach provides an account of the systems, processes, people and technology that determine an organisation's strategy and success. With contributions from leading experts internationally, the text takes a comprehensive, comparative, and best-practice approach and applies this specifically to the Asia-Pacific region. Rigorous in scholarship yet eminently accessible in style, Operations Management is replete with pedagogical features - figures and tables, discussion exercises, 'Learnings from the Internet', and a diversity of long and short case studies from around the world. Students are taken on a seamless journey from the fundamentals of operations management, through to the multiple approaches, the various innovations, challenges and risks, and ultimately to models of sustainability and evaluative tools and techniques. The text effectively prepares future managers across every sector of the economy to lead, organise, plan and control a set of resources, in pursuit of identified goals. The book will be supported by an extensive companion website featuring PowerPoint slides for each chapter, sample answers, teaching notes and figures/images for presentations.

    • Written by the leading experts in the field from Australia and New Zealand
    • Includes a dozen case studies
    • Comprehensively details the key frameworks and topics related to the productive systems and functions of all organisations
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    Product details

    • Date Published: May 2008
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521700771
    • length: 578 pages
    • dimensions: 246 x 189 x 30 mm
    • weight: 1.02kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Operations within Organisations - Building Blocks:
    1. What is operations management and why is it important? Prakash J. Singh
    2. Operating system models David Parker
    3. Key decisions in OM Willem Selen and Danny Samson
    4. Planning and controlling the use of operating assets and resources Sum Chee Chuong
    Part II. Approaches to Understanding OM:
    5. Strategic approach to operations management Senevi Kiridena and Prakash J. Singh
    6. Processes and systems in operations management Daniel Prajogo, Prakash J. Singh and Danny Samson
    7. Supply chain or network approach to operations management Richard Lane
    Part III. Moving Forward with OM - Creating Competitive Advantage:
    8. Innovation, technology and knowledge management Paul Hyland and Claudine Soosay
    9. Quality management in operations Lawrie Corbett
    10. Operations excellence Ross Chapman, Terry Sloan and Ron Beckett
    Part IV. Challenges and Opportunities in Operations:
    11. Managing risk in operations Damien Power and Danny Samson
    12. Sustainability in operations management Suzy Goldsmith and Danny Samson
    13. Operations management in different settings Victoria Hanna
    Part V. Case Studies:
    1. Innovation in the biotechnology sector: the case of IDT Australia John Morgan
    2. New Zealand King Salmon: value-chain innovation Jay Sankaran
    3. Pilila Clothing Company goes lean David Parker
    4. From Singapore to the world: port management in Singapore Sum Chee Chuong
    5. Striving for operations excellence within Queensland Rail Supply Division Kevin Burgess
    6. Should I stay or should I go? Shiraishi Garments Company Bin Jiang and Patrick J. Murphy
    7. Towards a green supply chain: Toyota Australia Dayna Simpson
    8. Process analyses and improvement at Bartter Enterprises Tom Bevington, Phillip Irvine and Danny Samson
    9. Operations challenges at Firth Industries Limited, Wellington Division Lawrie Corbett and D. Clay Whybark
    10. Ford Motor Company: moving forward in Australia Brett Allen
    11. Technology transfer at Hero Honda R. D. Pathak, Z. Husain, Sushil and Danny Samson
    12. Why is the patient resident time so long?: The case of St Martin's and Charity Private Hospital Victoria Hanna and Kannan Sethuraman

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    Operations Management

    Danny Samson, Prakash J. Singh

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  • Authors

    Danny Samson, University of Melbourne
    Danny Samson is a Professor of Management at the University of Melbourne.

    Prakash J. Singh, University of Melbourne
    Prakash Singh is a Senior Lecturer of Management at the University of Melbourne.


    Prakash J. Singh, David Parker, Willem Selen, Danny Samson, Sum Chee Chuong, Senevi Kiridena, Daniel Prajogo, Danny Samson, Richard Lane, Paul Hyland, Claudine Soosay, Lawrie Corbett, Ross Chapman, Terry Sloan, Ron Beckett, Damien Power, Suzy Goldsmith, Victoria Hanna, John Morgan, Jay Sankaran, Kevin Burgess, Bin Jiang, Patrick J. Murphy, Dayna Simpson, Tom Bevington, Phillip Irvine, D. Clay Whybark, Brett Allen, R. D. Pathak, Z. Husain, Sushil, Kannan Sethuraman

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