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Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Project Management

Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Project Management

Nathalie Drouin, Ralf Müller, Shankar Sankaran, Miia Martinsuo, Rami Sariola, Lauri Vuorinen, Vered Holzman, Aaron Shenhar, Joca Stefanovic, Kam Jugdev, Catherine Killen, Rodney Turner, Julian Kopmann, Alexander Kock, Peerasit Patanakul, Jeffrey Pinto, Monique Aubry, Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay, Stephane Tywoniak, Christophe Bredillet, Anne Keegan, Martina Huemann, Claudia Ringhofer, Pernille Eskerod, Johan Packendorff, Ed Hoffman, John Boyle, Julien Pollack, Timo Braun, Chivonne Algeo, Julia Connell, Øyvind Kvalnes, Karyne Ang, Christopher Biesenthal, Catherine Killen, Kaye Remington, Lynn Keeys, Laurence Lecoeuvre, Kim van Oorschot, Hélène Delerue, Tom Cronje
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  • Date Published: May 2017
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9781107157729


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About the Authors
  • In recent years, organizational project management (OPM) has emerged as a field focused on how project, program and portfolio management practices strategically help firms realize organizational goals. There is a compelling need to address the totality of project-related work at the organizational level, providing a view of organizations as a network of projects to be coordinated among themselves, integrated by the more permanent organization, and to move away from a focus on individual projects. This comprehensive volume provides views from a wide range of international scholars researching OPM at a cross-disciplinary level. It covers concepts, theories and practices from disciplines allied to management, such as strategic management, organization sciences and behavioural science. It will be a valuable read for scholars and practitioners alike, who are looking to enrich their understanding of OPM and further investigate this new phenomenon.

    • A multi-disciplinary approach that covers structural, organizational and people aspects of organizational project management (OPM) while also illustrating various facets of OPM in practice
    • The composition and breadth of expert perspectives provided in the chapters help readers navigate through the complex issues that organizations face in OPM
    • Promotes innovative ideas to integrate, manage and structure project management-related activities at various levels in an organization
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'This book is both serious and inspiring; its presentation of organizational project management will satisfy even the most demanding readers. The very diverse chapter contents highlight the scope and importance of this new field of research and professional practice. Kudos to the three editors, who were able to recruit the most respected experts in this domain!' Mario Bourgault, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

    'The Cambridge Handbook on Organisational Project Management sets a new standard of knowledge for anyone involved in the challenge of implementing the concept of a project-based organization by integrating all project, program and portfolio related activities within the entire organization.' Yvonne Schoper, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin and Member of the Presidential Advisory Board of GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e.V

    'I would argue that this book makes a valuable contribution with new materials for those interested in OPM and project work. It takes an organisational-level perspective in the main and fills a number of gaps in the current book-level literature. … I would recommend that this book be considered as a serious reference book and that for many students and practitioners that this would be a highly valuable resource.' Derek Walker, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

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    Product details

    • Date Published: May 2017
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9781107157729
    • length: 408 pages
    • dimensions: 255 x 180 x 23 mm
    • weight: 0.96kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Strategy: Section summary Nathalie Drouin
    1. The nature of organizational project management through the lens of integration Nathalie Drouin, Ralf Müller and Shankar Sankaran
    2. The business of projects in and across organizations Miia Martinsuo, Rami Sariola and Lauri Vuorinen
    3. Strategic OPM: why companies need to adopt a strategic approach to project management? Vered Holzman, Aaron Shenhar and Joca Stefanovic
    4. Strengthening the connections between strategy and organizational project management Kam Jugdev
    5. Project portfolio management: a dynamic capability and strategic asset Catherine Killen and Nathalie Drouin
    Part II. Organizations: Section summary Ralf Muller
    6. The governance of organizational project management Rodney Turner and Ralf Muller
    7. Project portfolio management – the linchpin in strategy processes Julian Kopmann, Alexander Kock and Catherine Killen
    8. Program management Peerasit Patanakul and Jeffrey Pinto
    9. Organizing for the management of projects: the project management office in the dynamics of organizational design Monique Aubry and Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay
    10. Project governance and risk management: from first-order economizing to second-order complexity Stephane Tywoniak and Christophe Bredillet
    Part III. People: Section summary Shankar Sankaran
    11. Human resource management in organizational project management: current trends and future prospects Anne Keegan, Martina Huemann and Claudia Ringhofer
    12. Stakeholders Pernille Eskerod
    13. Balanced leadership: a new perspective for leadership in organizational project management Ralf Müller, Johan Packendorff and Shankar Sankaran
    14. Project teams and their role in organizational project management Nathalie Drouin and Shankar Sankaran
    15. REAL knowledge at NASA: a knowledge services model for the modern project environment Ed Hoffman and John Boyle
    16. Change management as an organizational and project capability Julien Pollack
    17. The behavioral 'glue' in OPM – a review on productive behaviors of project team members Timo Braun
    18. Developing organizational project management competencies through industry clusters Chivonne Algeo and Julia Connell
    Part IV. New Directions: Section summary Shankar Sankaran
    19. Ethics in projects Øyvind Kvalnes
    20. Multilevel value creation in projects, programs and portfolios: results from two case studies Karyne Ang, Christopher Biesenthal and Catherine Killen
    21. An inherent complexity: projects and organizations Kaye Remington
    22. Organizational project management and sustainable development (SD): managing the interface of organization and project SD benefits Lynn Keeys and Martina Huemann
    23. The marketing of organizational project management Rodney Turner and Laurence Lecoeuvre
    24. Shared space for organizations: enablers for innovative projects Kim van Oorschot
    25. Social media and project management: symbolism in action Hélène Delerue and Tom Cronje

  • Editors

    Shankar Sankaran, University of Technology, Sydney
    Shankar Sankaran is Professor of Organisational Project Management (OPM) in Australia at the University of Technology Sydney. Shankar teaches advanced courses in the Master of Project Management Program including key features of OPM. He was a Chief Investigator of two Australian Research Council funded research grants. He is member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Project Management. Shankar comes to academia after several years of experience as a major project manager and technical director in Yokogawa Electric Asia. He is currently involved in setting up a megaproject management research centre at his university.

    Ralf Müller, BI Norwegian Business School
    Ralf Müller is Professor of Project Management and former Associate Dean at BI Norwegian Business School. He lectures and researches in leadership, governance, organizational project management and research methods. Awards he has received include the 2016 Fellow of the Institute Award of the Project Management Institute (PMI), the 2015 PMI Research Achievement Award, and the 2012 IPMA Research Award. He is Senior Editor of the Project Management Journal. Before joining academia, he spent thirty years in consulting with large enterprises and governments in more than fifty different countries, including as Worldwide Director of Project Management at the NCR Corporation.

    Nathalie Drouin, Université du Québec à Montréal
    Nathalie Drouin is the Executive Director of KHEOPS, an International Research Consortium on Large Infrastructure Projects, the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, a Professor at the Department of Management and Technology in the School of Management at Université du Québec at Montreal (ESG UQAM) and Adjunct Professor (Honorary Appointment) at University of Technology, Sydney. She is a former Associate Dean of Research at ESG UQAM and a former Director of the Graduate Project Management Programs, ESG UQAM. She teaches initiation and strategic management of projects in the Graduate Project Management Programs.


    Nathalie Drouin, Ralf Müller, Shankar Sankaran, Miia Martinsuo, Rami Sariola, Lauri Vuorinen, Vered Holzman, Aaron Shenhar, Joca Stefanovic, Kam Jugdev, Catherine Killen, Rodney Turner, Julian Kopmann, Alexander Kock, Peerasit Patanakul, Jeffrey Pinto, Monique Aubry, Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay, Stephane Tywoniak, Christophe Bredillet, Anne Keegan, Martina Huemann, Claudia Ringhofer, Pernille Eskerod, Johan Packendorff, Ed Hoffman, John Boyle, Julien Pollack, Timo Braun, Chivonne Algeo, Julia Connell, Øyvind Kvalnes, Karyne Ang, Christopher Biesenthal, Catherine Killen, Kaye Remington, Lynn Keeys, Laurence Lecoeuvre, Kim van Oorschot, Hélène Delerue, Tom Cronje

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