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Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications
An Evidence-based Approach

2nd Edition

  • Date Published: February 2021
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108703116


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About the Authors
  • Marketing in the digital age poses major challenges for traditional and established practices of communication. To help readers meet these challenges Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications: An Evidence-based Approach provides a comprehensive foundation to the principles and practices of integrated marketing communications (IMC). It examines a variety of traditional and digital channels used by professionals to create wide-reaching and effective campaigns that are adapted for the aims of their organisations. This edition has been thoroughly revised and each chapter includes: case studies of significant and award-winning campaigns from both Australian and international brands that illustrate the application of explored concepts; discussion and case study questions that enable readers to critically evaluate concepts and campaigns; a managerial application section that illustrates how concepts can be applied effectively in a real situation; a 'further thinking' section that expands knowledge of advanced concepts and challenges readers to think more broadly about IMC.

    • Short, clear and engaging with an array of Australian, Asian and European case studies
    • Coherent framework with emphasis on solving business issues using IMC
    • Research-based providing a step-by-step guide on how to develop an effective IMC plan
    • Uses various research techniques to uncover consumer insights, how to create social influence using social media and how to use neuro-marketing to pre-test ads
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'Integrated Marketing Communications is a critically important management topic, and Lawrence Ang provides a comprehensive, insightful and thoroughly enjoyable treatment of the subject.  Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications is a real treasure trove for students and will make them smarter and better marketers.' Kevin Lane Keller, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA

    'I have never read such an accessible but still really complete and insightful introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications. Who else than our highly esteemed colleague Lawrence Ang could have written this book that is strongly recommended to students and practitioners.' Peter Neijen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    'Lawrence Ang has produced an original and insightful explanation of creativity in advertising based on his cutting-edge knowledge of advertising strategy. With wit and candour, he writes with authority showing how managers should approach creativity. Many authors timidly dance around a managerial approach to creativity, but Lawrence lifts the game here contributing a stunning, hands-on, and on-the-mark assessment of how to do it. Some authors write only from their 'experience', but one wonders if this perspective goes much outside that history. Others write 'theory' but one wonders if they have ever done what they advise. Lawrence does both, astoundingly blending what-to-do with why-it-works. In a business world that treats creativity as some mysterious black box one should be afraid of, he hacks that box wide open to give managers control over it – and make the most of it. Bravo!' Scott Koslow, Macquarie University, Australia

    'This book is packed with real-world applications and examples. It will provide a solid platform for those who strive to get an edge within the marketing sphere. A thorough yet easy read, this monograph will broaden students' thinking across both current and future marketing concepts – a must-read!' Melissa Airs, Senior Account Manager (Media & Digital), Kantar Millward Brown, Australia

    'The chapter on Planning the Creative Execution and Appeal provides a powerful compilation of creative executions in marketing communications. It's written in a convincing and accessible style and promises to engage and entertain its readers.' Martin Eisend, Europa University, Berlin, Germany

    'The chapter on Social Influence is a really interesting and balanced introduction to the complexities of social media marketing. It is wide-ranging, accessible and thoughtful' Robert East, University of London, UK

    'The chapter on Brand Positioning covers work in the branding domain more thoroughly than any other advertising book on the market. The chapter focuses on an evidence-based approach as a guide to advertising best practice. The integration of COVID-19 lessons is highly topical and encourages students to critically analyse recent short-term tactical decisions against long-term strategic brand priorities.' Jasmina Illic, Monash University, Australia

    'This book gives an excellent overview. The explicitly formulated learning goals are key for students.' Eva van Reijmersdal, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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    Product details

    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Date Published: February 2021
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108703116
    • length: 476 pages
    • dimensions: 255 x 190 x 20 mm
    • weight: 1.06kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Integrated marketing communications and its synergistic effects
    2. Uncovering insights
    3. Brand Positioning
    4. Media planning for growth
    5. Integrating digital and non-digital channels
    6. Advertising creativity
    7. Planning and executing the creative appeal
    8. Social influence
    9. Public relations, corporate reputation, sponsorship and content marketing
    10. Influence, tactics and integration in personal selling
    11. Direct response marketing and sales promotion integration
    12. Advertising testing, campaign tracking and synergistic effects
    13. Integrative review, IMC implementations and marketing technologies.

  • Author

    Lawrence Ang, Macquarie University, Sydney
    Prior to joining the Department of Marketing and Management in June 2007, Lawrence was a faculty member at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM); and before that, he worked for many years as a senior marketing research consultant and manager. His current areas of research are competencies in customer relationship management, complaints handling, attention and creativity in advertising, neuromarketing and non-conscious effects of marketing stimuli, consumption and loyalty, social comparison, brand misconduct and product recall, brand valuation, personality and celebrity endorsement, materialism. Lawrence teaches in the area of marketing management, advertising and marketing research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Australia and overseas. He also contributes to executive training for various organisations. He consults in the area of advertising effectiveness and branding for various industries: fast-moving consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and finance.

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