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Look Inside Energy Transfers in Fluid Flows
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Energy Transfers in Fluid Flows
Multiscale and Spectral Perspectives

  • Date Published: July 2019
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9781107176195


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About the Authors
  • An up-to-date comprehensive text useful for graduate students and academic researchers in the field of energy transfers in fluid flows. The initial part of the text covers discussion on energy transfer formalism in hydrodynamics and the latter part covers applications including passive scalar, buoyancy driven flows, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), dynamo, rotating flows and compressible flows. Energy transfers among large-scale modes play a critical role in nonlinear instabilities and pattern formation and is discussed comprehensively in the chapter on buoyancy-driven flows. It derives formulae to compute Kolmogorov's energy flux, shell-to-shell energy transfers and locality. The book discusses the concept of energy transfer formalism which helps in calculating anisotropic turbulence.

    • Discusses turbulence in different kinds of fluid flows, namely, fluids, magnetohydrodynamics, convection, and stratified and rotating flows
    • Includes numerical recipes for the computation of energy transfers, energy flux, shell-to-shell, and ring-to-ring energy transfers
    • Derives formulae to compute Kolmogorov's energy flux, shell-to-shell energy transfers and locality
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'This book is an outcome of the author's life-long obsession with the mechanism of energy transfers in turbulent flows.' Jayant Bhattacharjee, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

    'Nicely organized in parts devoted to increasingly complex flows, it is a perfect book to explore the theoretical description of Navier-Stokes turbulence as well as flows with scalars, vectors and more exotic systems.' Daniele Carati, Université Libre de Bruxelles

    'This comprehensive book discusses an impressive array of applications from a unified point of view.' Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Indian Institute of Science

    'The monograph will be an invaluable resource to students and researchers interested in the application of energy transfer theory to fluids and magnetofluids.' Melvyn Goldstein, NASA

    'This book is an outstanding achievement whose many examples and illustrations make the reading as fluid as the subject matter.' Franck Plunian, Université Grenoble Alpes

    'It is a self-contained monograph which will certainly be of direct use to a large audience, from graduate students to scholars and researchers.' Annick Pouquet, University of Colorado, Boulder

    'This book, addressed to graduate students and researchers, covers vast areas of fluid dynamics and presents each domain in a precise manner.' Maurice Rossi, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris

    'This monograph clearly articulates the multiscale energy transfer perspectives for turbulent flows, advanced prominently by the author and his co-workers.' K. R. Sreenivasan, New York University

    'This impressive monograph will serve as a highly valuable reference to researchers in turbulence and other fields for many years to come.' P. K. Yeung, Georgia Institute of Technology

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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2019
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9781107176195
    • length: 562 pages
    • dimensions: 248 x 188 x 27 mm
    • weight: 1.03kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I:
    1. Introduction
    2. Basics of Hydrodynamics
    3. Fourier space description of hydrodynamics
    4. Energy transfers in hydrodynamic flows
    5. Energy spectrum and flux of 3D hydrodynamics
    6. Enstrophy transfers in hydrodynamics
    7. Two-dimensional turbulence
    8. Helical turbulence
    9. Craya-Herring and helical basis
    10. Field-theoretic treatment of energy transfers
    11. Energy transfers in anisotropic flows'
    12. Energy transfers in real space
    Part II:
    13. Energy transfers in passive scalar
    14. Stably stratified turbulence
    15. Thermal convection
    16. Rotating turbulence
    17. Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: Formalism
    18. Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: applications
    19. Magnetic Field Generation in MHD
    20. Energy transfers in compressible turbulence
    21. Shell modes of turbulence
    22. Miscellaneous applications of energy transfers
    Appendix A. Power lay physics
    Appendix B. Money or wealth transfers in economy
    Appendix C. Renormalization group analysis of hydrodynamic turbulence
    Subject Index.

  • Author

    Mahendra K. Verma, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
    Mahendra K. Verma is currently working as Professor in the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. He has been an associate of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy (2004–09), and a member of the Program Advisory Committee of Science and Engineering Research Board, India. He works in the broad area of turbulence and nonlinear dynamics, with specialization in magneto hydrodynamics, buoyancy-driven flows, dynamo, and high performance computing. He has been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at the Indian Institutes of Technology, Kanpur for the past twenty-one years. He has designed and taught courses such as physics of turbulence, magneto hydrodynamics, atmospheric physics, nonlinear physics, computational physics, and introduction to high performance computing for scientists and engineers. He has published more than eighty papers in journals and conferences of national and international repute.

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