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Geometry Turned On

Geometry Turned On
Dynamic Software in Learning, Teaching, and Research

Part of Mathematical Association of America Notes

Douglas R. Hofstadter, Michael de Villiers, Dan Bennett, Albert A. Cuoco, E. Paul Goldenberg, James Morrow, Tim Garry, Michael Keyton, Kathryn W. Boehm, Arnold Perham, Bernadette H. Perham, Heinz Schumann, Catherine A. Gorini, Tony Hampson, James M. Parks, James King, Doris Schattschneider, Zhonghong Jian, Edwin McClintock, Fadia Harik, David Dennis, Jere Confrey, Susan Addington, Stuart Levy, Benjamin T. Backus, John Olive, R. Nicholas Jackiw, Richard J. Allen, Laurent Trilling
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  • Date Published: October 1997
  • availability: This item is not supplied by Cambridge University Press in your region. Please contact Mathematical Association of America for availability.
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780883850992


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About the Authors
  • This volume is a collection of articles about dynamic geometry: active, exploratory geometry carried out with interactive computer software. This software has had a profound effect on classroom teaching wherever it has been introduced. Unconstrained parts of the configurations are moveable - they can literally be grabbed with a cursor (using a mouse) and be dragged or stretched - and as they move, all other objects in the configuration automatically self-adjust, preserving all dependent relationships and constraints. The software has also become an indispensable research tool for mathematicians and scientists. This book gives many examples of the ways in which it can be used, and some of the effects it can have. It raises various questions for teaching and research. Some articles address the basic question, 'What is dynamic geometry good for?' as they discuss: accuracy of construction, visualization, exploration and discovery, motivating proof, transformations, tracing loci, simulation, and creating microworlds.

    • Details the use of dyamic geometry software for mathematical education and other applications
    • Some sketches available on author's World Wide Web page (
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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 1997
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780883850992
    • length: 220 pages
    • dimensions: 278 x 217 x 13 mm
    • weight: 0.52kg
    • availability: This item is not supplied by Cambridge University Press in your region. Please contact Mathematical Association of America for availability.
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Personal Reflections On Investigation, Discovery, and Proof:
    1. Discovery and dissection of a geometric gem Douglas R. Hofstadter
    2. The role and function of proof in dynamic geometry: some personal reflections Michael de Villiers
    3. Dynamic geometry renews interest in an old problem Dan Bennett
    4. Dynamic geometry as a bridge from Euclidean geometry to analysis Albert A. Cuoco and E. Paul Goldenberg
    Part II. Dynamic Geometry In The Classroom:
    5. Dynamic visualization from middle school through College James Morrow
    6. Geometer's sketchpad in the classroom Tim Garry
    7. Students discovering geometry using dynamic geometry software Michael Keyton
    8. Moving triangles
    9. Experiences with geometer's sketchpad in the classroom Kathryn W. Boehm
    10. Beyond elementary constructions: selected exercises Arnold Perham and Bernadette H. Perham
    11. Interactive generation, manipulation, and application of loci Heinz Schumann
    12. Calculus with dynamic geometry Catherine A. Gorini
    13. Beginning geometry at college Tony Hampson
    14. Identifying transformations by their orbits James M. Parks
    15. Dynamic proofs that use similarities James King
    16. Visualization of group theory concepts through dynamic geometry Doris Schattschneider
    17. Using the geometer's sketchpad with preservice teachers Zhonghong Jian and Edwin McClintock
    18. Fish in the pond: inquiry with dynamic geometry Fadia Harik
    Part III. Dynamic Visualization In History, Perception, Optics and Aerodynamics:
    19. Drawing logarithmic curves with geometer's sketchpad: a method inspired by historical sources David Dennis and Jere Confrey
    20. Lost in the funhouse: an application of dynamic projective geometry Susan Addington and Stuart Levy
    21. The use of dynamic geometry software in teaching and research in optometry and vision science Benjamin T. Backus
    22. Creating airfoils from circles: the Joukowski transformation John Olive
    Part IV. The Worlds Of Dynamic Geometry: Issues In Design And Use:
    23. Drawing worlds: scripted exploration environments in the geometer's sketchpad R. Nicholas Jackiw
    24. Dynamic geometry and declarative geometric programming Richard J. Allen and Laurent Trilling.

  • Editors

    Doris Schattschneider, Moravian College, Pennsylvania

    James King, University of Washington


    Douglas R. Hofstadter, Michael de Villiers, Dan Bennett, Albert A. Cuoco, E. Paul Goldenberg, James Morrow, Tim Garry, Michael Keyton, Kathryn W. Boehm, Arnold Perham, Bernadette H. Perham, Heinz Schumann, Catherine A. Gorini, Tony Hampson, James M. Parks, James King, Doris Schattschneider, Zhonghong Jian, Edwin McClintock, Fadia Harik, David Dennis, Jere Confrey, Susan Addington, Stuart Levy, Benjamin T. Backus, John Olive, R. Nicholas Jackiw, Richard J. Allen, Laurent Trilling

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