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Look Inside The Passion Narrative of St Luke

The Passion Narrative of St Luke
A Critical and Historical Investigation

Part of Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

  • Date Published: December 2004
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521616928


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About the Authors
  • This is the last of the late Vincent Taylor's many notable contributions to NT scholarship and in particular to the controversy about the sources of St Luke's gospel. Taylor defends and develops the arguments in favour of a non-Markan basis for Luke which he first presented in 1926 in Behind the Third Gospel. He answers critics of that book by a detailed study of the Passion Narrative and concludes that St Luke used, in this part of his gospel at least, a special source, an authority which was as old as Mark but independent of it and which preserved accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus given by the first Christians. The work has been edited and prepared for publication by a former pupil of Vincent Taylor's, the Rev. Owen E. Evans. It should interest all specialists in NT studies as the last research of a distinguished scholar on a problem of continuing importance.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2004
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521616928
    • length: 164 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 10 mm
    • weight: 0.22kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Editorial Note
    Part I. Introduction:
    1. Summary of critical opinion
    2. Objections
    3. Recent developments
    4. Methods of gospel criticism
    Part II. Analysis and Detailed Study of Luke XXII–XXIV:
    5. The priests' plot
    6. The treachery of Judas
    7. Preparations for the Passover
    8. The last supper
    9. The prediction of the betrayal
    10. The discourse on true greatness and the saying about twelve thrones
    11. The exhortation to Simon
    12. Then and now
    13. The agony
    14. The arrest
    15. The denial
    16. The mocking
    17. The trial before the priests
    18. The trials before Pilate and Herod
    19. The journey to the cross
    20. The crucifixion
    21. The burial
    22. The action of the women
    23. The visit of the women to the tomb
    24. The journey to Emmaus
    25. The appearance to the Eleven
    25. The ascension
    Part III. The Special Lukan Passion Narrative:
    26. Summary and conclusions
    27. The text of the Passion source
    28. The value of the special Lukan Passion narrative

  • Author

    Vincent Taylor


    Owen E. Evans, University of Wales, Bangor

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