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Look Inside A View of the History, Literature, and Religion of the Hindoos

A View of the History, Literature, and Religion of the Hindoos
Including a Minute Description of their Manners and Customs, and Translations from their Principal Works

Volume 2. The Hindoo Mythology

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Religion

  • Date Published: February 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108007924


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About the Authors
  • William Ward's account of the Hindu communities among whom he served as a Baptist missionary in Serampore in West Bengal was first published in 1811 and reprinted in this third edition in 1817. It was an extremely influential work that shaped British views of the newly defined entity of 'Hinduism' in the early nineteenth century. Ward and his fellow missionaries promoted social reforms and education, establishing the Serampore Mission Press in 1800 and Serampore College in 1818. Ward devoted twenty years to compiling his study of Hindu literature, history, mythology and religion, which was eventually published in four volumes. It provided richly detailed information, and was regarded as authoritative for the next fifty years. It is therefore still an important source for researchers in areas including Indian history, British colonialism, Orientalism and religious studies. Volume 2 focuses on places of worship, ritual practices, and beliefs about death and reincarnation.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108007924
    • length: 360 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 20 x 140 mm
    • weight: 0.46kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Book II. Of the Temples, Images, Priests, and Temple Worship of the Hindoos:
    1. Of the temples
    2. Of the images
    3. Of the priests
    4. Of the worship in the temples
    Book III. Of the Stated Periods of Worship, and Various Duties and Ceremonies:
    1. Of the times of worship
    2. Appointed rites and ceremonies
    Book IV [Not present in the original edition]
    Book V. Doctrines of the Hindoo Religion:
    1. Of the transmigration of souls
    2. Judgment of men after death
    3. Of future happiness
    4. Of future punishments
    Book VI. Hindoo Saints, or Mendicants:
    1. Preparatory duties of a mendicant
    Book VII. Hindoo Religious Sects:
    1. Account of the regular Hindoo sects
    2. Account of the Bouddhus
    3. Account of the Joinus
    4. Account of the Shikhs
    5. Account of the followers of Choitunyu
    6. Analysis of all the Hindoo sects
    Concluding remarks.

  • Author

    William Ward

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