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Memoirs of the Late Rev. John Wesley, A.M.

Memoirs of the Late Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
With a Review of his Life and Writings, and a History of Methodism, from its Commencement in 1729, to the Present Time
3 Volume Set

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Religion

  • Date Published: October 2013
  • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108064613

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • This three-volume account of the life of John Wesley (1703–91) was published in the year of his death. Written by John Hampson (c.1753–1819), a Church of England clergyman and former Methodist preacher, the work also contains a thorough review of Wesley's writings and a history of Methodism. Hampson's excellent overview of contemporary assessments of the preacher is more balanced than John Whitehead's two-volume Life of the Rev. John Wesley (1793–6), which has also been reissued in this series. Volume 1 explores Wesley's lineage and early life, including his journey to America in 1735 and his conversion in 1738. Volume 2 traces the growth of Methodism in both England and North America, covering Wesley's itinerant preaching and theological differences with his brother Charles. Volume 3 is predominantly concerned with a critique of Methodist theology, activity and mode of preaching.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 2013
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108064613
    • length: 710 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 mm
    • weight: 0.92kg
    • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • Table of Contents

    Volume 1: Preface
    1. Miscellaneous articles relative to the family
    2. Of Samuel Wesley the younger
    3. Of Charles Wesley, A.M.
    4. Of John Wesley, A.M.
    5. Origin of Methodism
    6. Mission to America
    7. Arrival in England: conversion and journey to Hernhuth and Marienburn. Volume 2:
    1. Return to England, and commencement of itinerancy and field-preaching
    2. Mrs Wesley's death and character. Difference between the brothers on the doctrine of assurance
    3. Progress of Methodism
    4. Methodism in North America. Execution of the deed of declaration in 1784
    5. Consecration of bishops, and ordination of priests for America, by imposition of the hands of Mr Wesley. Volume 3: Advertisement
    1. Progress of Methodism in America (cont.)
    2. Observations on the origin and progress of Methodism
    3. Of the principles of Methodism
    4. Of the Methodistic discipline
    5. Reasons for interfering with the clergy. Of preaching extempore, and in the open air
    6. Of the influence of Methodism
    7. Controversy between Mr Wesley and others
    8. Of his writings in general
    9. A review of his character
    10. His last sickness and death
    11. Last will and testament.

  • Author

    John Hampson

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