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Look Inside Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, D.D., LL.D.

Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff, D.D., LL.D.
Late Missionary to the Jews and Muhammadans in Persia, Bokhara, Cashmeer, etc.

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Religion

  • Date Published: August 2012
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108053723


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About the Authors
  • Published in 1861, this work in the third person, dictated by Joseph Wolff (1795–1862) to friends, is an epic miscellany of stories. Wolff, the son of a rabbi, had a peripatetic Middle European childhood. He converted to Christianity in 1812, studying Near Eastern languages in Vienna and Tübingen, and theology in Rome - until he was expelled by the Inquisition for heretical views. He eventually moved to England, working for the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. Beginning his mission in the Middle East, he later travelled to Afghanistan, Ethiopia, India, and the United States, where he preached to Congress. His eventful career saw him variously shipwrecked, enslaved, and forced to walk without clothes for 600 miles following a robbery. In 1847 he settled more quietly in a Somerset vicarage. Though characteristically orientalist (and with possible embellishments), this work remains an invigorating depiction of a lifetime's adventure.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2012
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108053723
    • length: 620 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 35 mm
    • weight: 0.78kg
    • contains: 1 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Birth
    2. State of religion at Vienna
    3. Prince Hohenlohe and his doings
    4. Rome and its society
    5. Returns to Vienna
    6. Gibraltar
    7. Desert
    8. Jerusalem
    9. Lady Hester Stanhope and her prophet
    10. Mesopotamia
    11. Arrives at Bagdad
    12. Ispahan
    13. Leaves Dublin for London
    14. Sir Charles Napier
    15. The Levant
    16. Advance towards Bokhara
    17. Burchund
    18. Meshed the Holy
    19. Bokhara
    20. Dangers of the way
    21. The Punjaub and Sikhs
    22. Sir Jeremiah and Lady Bryant
    23. Cashmere
    24. Delhi
    25. Route from Buxur to Calcutta
    26. Hyderabad
    27. Captain Moore, R.N.
    28. Monks at Goa
    29. Summary of eastern missions
    30. Detained in Abyssinia by the illness of Gobat
    31. Bombay
    32. Obligation to British officers
    33. Route from Erzoom to Teheran
    34. Route through Khorassan to Bokhara in clerical dress
    35. Abd-ul-Samut-Khan
    36. Escape from Bokhara.

  • Author

    Joseph Wolff

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