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Look Inside Poetry and Mysticism in Islam

Poetry and Mysticism in Islam
The Heritage of Rumi

Part of Levi Della Vida Symposia

Georges Sabagh, Amin Banani, Annemarie Schimmel, J. Christoph Burgel, William C. Chittick, Hamid Dabashi, Margaret Mills, Victoria Holbrook
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  • Date Published: August 1994
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521454766


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About the Authors
  • Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi was one of the greatest poets and mystics of the Islamic world. He was born in Balkh (Korasan) in AD 1207 and died in Konya (Turkey) in AD 1273. This book is an examination of his spiritual and literary heritage. As Annemarie Schimmel, the recipient of the Eleventh Giorgio Della Vida Award in Islamic Studies, has written, 'no other mystic and poet from the Islamic world is as well known in the West as Rumi', and she, more than any Western scholar, is his most celebrated and eloquent interpreter. The scholars who Professor Schimmel has invited to share in her tribute have all added new dimensions to an understanding of Rumi and to his impact on the Islamic world.

    • The contributors take a fresh look at the place of Rumi in the literary heritage of the Islamic world
    • The contributors are among the best-known in their field
    • Scholars in the field but also those interested in Sufism and mysticism present a market for the book
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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 1994
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521454766
    • length: 216 pages
    • dimensions: 224 x 144 x 16 mm
    • weight: 0.38kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Presentation of award to eleventh recipient, Annemarie Schimmel Georges Sabagh
    Introduction Amin Banani
    l. Mawlana Rumi: yesterday, today and tomorrow Annemarie Schimmel
    2. Rumi the poet Amin Banani
    3. 'Speech is a ship and meaning the sea': some formal aspects of the ghazal poetry of Rumi J. Christoph Burgel
    4. Rumi and wahdat al-wujud William C. Chittick
    5. Rumi and the problems of theodicy: moral imagination and narrative discourse in a story of the Masnavi Hamid Dabashi
    6. Folk tradition in the Masnavi and theMasnavi in folk tradition Margaret Mills
    7. The fortress of forms: Rumi and Galib Victoria Holbrook

  • Editors

    Amin Banani, University of California, Los Angeles

    Richard Hovannisian, University of California, Los Angeles

    Georges Sabagh, University of California, Los Angeles


    Georges Sabagh, Amin Banani, Annemarie Schimmel, J. Christoph Burgel, William C. Chittick, Hamid Dabashi, Margaret Mills, Victoria Holbrook

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