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The Cambridge History of Judaism

The Cambridge History of Judaism
Volumes 1-3

Part of The Cambridge History of Judaism

Volume I. Denis Baly, Uriel Rappaport, Elias J. Bickerman, Ephraim Stern, Joseph Naveh, Jonas C. Greenfield, Peter Ackroyd, Gunther Wanke, Harmut Gese, Morton Smith, Mary Boyce, Shaud Shaked, M. Dandamayev, Edda Bresciani, Bezalel Porten Volume II. Marie-Christine Halpern-Zylberstein, Martin Hengel, James Barr, Harald Hegermann, Louis Finkelstein, Otto Morkholm, Jonathan A. Goldstein, Mathias Delcor, Nikolaus Walter, H. L. Ginsberg, Paul D. Hanson, Harry M. Orlinsky, Roger Le Déaut, James D. Purvis, Emilio Gabba Volume III. Magen Broshi, Dan Bahat, Eric M. Meyers, Margaret Williams, Emilio Gabba, Mary Smallwood, Morton Smith, Raphael Loewe, Hanswulf Bloedhorn, F. G. Huttenmeister, Shaye J. D. Cohen, Stefan C. Reif, William Horbury, Joachim L. W. Schaper, Gunter Stemberger, Otto Betz, Kurt Rudolph, Stanley Isser, Martin Goodman, W. D. Davies, E. P. Sanders, J. Carleton-Paget, Christopher C. Rowland, Jonathan Campbell, Norman Golb, Daniel K. Falk, C. Mondésert, L. H. Feldman, L. I. Levine, J. Gwyn Griffiths, Philip S. Alexander
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  • Date Published: December 2000
  • availability: Unavailable - out of print
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521802826


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About the Authors
  • The first three volumes of The Cambridge History of Judaism cover the history of the Jews from the Exile in 587 BCE to the end of the early Roman era. These volumes present a definitive scholarly account of enduring value to anyone enquiring into the formative years of Judaism and its relation to other cultures, be they students, teachers or interested general readers. For the first time, the three volumes are offered together at a special price. Volume One (published in 1984) opens with an introduction to the project and proceeds with coverage of the Persian period. Volume Two (1989) deals with the Hellenistic age. Volume Three (1999) focuses on the early Roman period of Jewish history from Pompey to Vespasian, with themes extending to the end of the third century CE. Complete with illustrations, tables and maps, these books constitute a major work of reference on a key topic.

    • Three volumes offered together at a special price for the first time
    • The definitive scholarly account of this major subject
    • Complete with illustrations, tables and maps: an invaluable work of reference
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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2000
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521802826
    • length: 2551 pages
    • dimensions: 236 x 159 x 141 mm
    • weight: 4.005kg
    • contains: 17 b/w illus. 16 maps 4 tables
    • availability: Unavailable - out of print
  • Table of Contents

    Volume I. Introduction: The Persian Period: Preface
    List of abbreviations
    Part I. Introduction:
    1. The geography of Palestine and the Levant in relation to its history
    2. Numismatics
    3. Calendars and chronology
    Part II. The Persian Period:
    4. The Persian empire and the political and social history of Palestine in the Persian period
    5. The archaeology of Persian Palestine
    6. Hebrew and Aramaic in the Persian period
    7. The Jewish community in Palestine in the Persian period
    8. Prophecy and Psalms in the Persian period
    9. Wisdom literature in the Persian period
    10. Jewish religious life in the Persian period
    11. Persian life in the Achemenid age
    12. Iranian influence on Judaism: first century BCE to second century CE
    13. The Diaspora: A. Babylonia in the Persian age
    B. The Babylonian captivity
    C. Egypt, Persian satrapy
    D. The Jews in Egypt
    Chronological table. Volume II. The Hellenistic Age: Preface
    List of abbreviations
    Map of the Hellenistic empire
    1. The archeology of Hellenistic Palestine
    2. The political and social history of Palestine from Alexander to Antiochus III (333–187 BCE)
    3. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek in the Hellenistic age
    4. The Diaspora in the Hellenistic age
    5. The interpenetration of Judaism and Hellenism in the pre-Maccabean period
    6. The men of the Great Synagogue (circa 400–170 BCE)
    7. The Pharisaic leadership after the Great Synagogue (170 BCE–135 CE)
    8. Antiochus IV
    9. The Hasmonean revolt and the Hasmonean dynasty
    10. Jewish literature in Hebrew and Aramaic in the Greek era
    11. Jewish-Greek literature of the Greek period
    12. The apocrypha and pseudepigrapha of the Hellenistic period
    13. The book of Daniel
    14. The matrix of apocalyptic
    15. The Septuagint and its Hebrew text
    16. The Targumim
    17. The Samaritans
    18. The growth of anti-Judaism or the Greek attitude towards Jews
    Chronological table
    Index. Volume III. The Early Roman Period:
    1. The archaeology of Palestine 63 BCE–CE 70
    2. The Herodian temple
    3. Archaeology in Palestine in recent decades: achievements and goals
    4. The contribution of inscriptions of the study of Judaism
    5. The social, economic and political history of Palestine from 63 BCE–CE 70
    6. The Diaspora in the Roman period before 70 CE
    7. The Gentiles in Judaism 125 BCE–CE 66
    8. Gentiles as seen by Jews after CE 70
    9. The synagogue
    10. The temple and the synagogue
    11. The early liturgy of the synagogue
    12. Women in the synagogue
    13. The Pharisees
    14. The Sadducees
    15. The Essenes
    16. The Baptist sects
    17. The troublemakers
    18. The Samaritans and their sects
    19. Galilean Judaism and Judean Judaism
    20. Jesus from the Jewish point of view
    21. Paul from the Jewish point of view
    22. Jewish Christianity
    23. Apocalyptic: the disclosure of heavenly knowledge
    24. The Qumran sectarian writings
    25. The Dead Sea scrolls and pre-Tannaitic Judaism
    26. Prayer in the Qumran texts
    27. Philo of Alexandria
    28. Josephus (CE 37–c. 100)
    29. The Rabbi in second century Jewish society
    30. The Roman diaspora 70 CE–235
    the archaeological evidence
    31. The legacy of Egypt in Judaism
    32. Jewish elements in gnosticism and magic c. 70 CE–c. 270 CE.

  • Editors

    W. D. Davies, Duke University, North Carolina

    Louis Finkelstein

    William Horbury, University of Cambridge

    John Sturdy


    Volume I. Denis Baly, Uriel Rappaport, Elias J. Bickerman, Ephraim Stern, Joseph Naveh, Jonas C. Greenfield, Peter Ackroyd, Gunther Wanke, Harmut Gese, Morton Smith, Mary Boyce, Shaud Shaked, M. Dandamayev, Edda Bresciani, Bezalel Porten Volume II. Marie-Christine Halpern-Zylberstein, Martin Hengel, James Barr, Harald Hegermann, Louis Finkelstein, Otto Morkholm, Jonathan A. Goldstein, Mathias Delcor, Nikolaus Walter, H. L. Ginsberg, Paul D. Hanson, Harry M. Orlinsky, Roger Le Déaut, James D. Purvis, Emilio Gabba Volume III. Magen Broshi, Dan Bahat, Eric M. Meyers, Margaret Williams, Emilio Gabba, Mary Smallwood, Morton Smith, Raphael Loewe, Hanswulf Bloedhorn, F. G. Huttenmeister, Shaye J. D. Cohen, Stefan C. Reif, William Horbury, Joachim L. W. Schaper, Gunter Stemberger, Otto Betz, Kurt Rudolph, Stanley Isser, Martin Goodman, W. D. Davies, E. P. Sanders, J. Carleton-Paget, Christopher C. Rowland, Jonathan Campbell, Norman Golb, Daniel K. Falk, C. Mondésert, L. H. Feldman, L. I. Levine, J. Gwyn Griffiths, Philip S. Alexander

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