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The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire

  • Date Published: July 2014
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107425064


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About the Authors
  • This comparative historical sociology of the Bolshevik revolutionaries offers a reinterpretation of political radicalization in the last years of the Russian Empire. Finding that two-thirds of the Bolshevik leadership were ethnic minorities - Ukrainians, Latvians, Georgians, Jews and others - this book examines the shared experiences of assimilation and socioethnic exclusion that underlay their class universalism. It suggests that imperial policies toward the Empire's diversity radicalized class and ethnicity as intersectional experiences, creating an assimilated but excluded elite: lower-class Russians and middle-class minorities universalized particular exclusions as they disproportionately sustained the economic and political burdens of maintaining the multiethnic Russian Empire. The Bolsheviks' social identities and routes to revolutionary radicalism show especially how a class-universalist politics was appealing to those seeking secularism in response to religious tensions, a universalist politics where ethnic and geopolitical insecurities were exclusionary, and a tolerant 'imperial' imaginary where Russification and illiberal repressions were most keenly felt.

    • Presents a new interpretation of the Bolshevik Revolution
    • Offers a study in political radicalization, which links ethnicity/religion and political identities, so has important implications for understanding political radicalism today
    • Provides insights into the roles of nationalism and ethnicity in the politics of multiethnic states and empires
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'This is an impressive book that draws upon a very wide range of secondary sources. It is elegant and cohesive.' Ian D. Thatcher, Slavonic and East European Review

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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2014
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107425064
    • length: 328 pages
    • dimensions: 234 x 156 x 19 mm
    • weight: 0.51kg
    • contains: 3 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Identity and Empire:
    1. Reconceptualizing Bolshevism
    2. Social identities and imperial rule
    Part II. Imperial Strategies and Routes to Radicalism in Contexts:
    3. The Jewish Bolsheviks
    4. The Polish and Lithuanian Bolsheviks
    5. The Ukranian Bolsheviks
    6. The Latvian Bolsheviks
    7. The South Caucasian Bolsheviks
    8. The Russian Bolsheviks.

  • Author

    Liliana Riga, University of Edinburgh
    Liliana Riga is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. She holds a BA in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, an MA in political science from Columbia University and a PhD in sociology from McGill University. She is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and has taught sociology at McGill University, the University of Strathclyde and the University of Edinburgh. Her work has appeared in, among other publications, the American Journal of Sociology, Sociology, Nations and Nationalism and Comparative Studies in Society and History. An article drawn from material from this book appeared in the American Journal of Sociology and was awarded Honorable Mention in 2009 for Best Article in Comparative Historical Sociology by the American Sociological Association.

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