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Disability and the Life Course

Disability and the Life Course
Global Perspectives

Mark Priestley, Sarah Irwin, Anita Ghai, Gregor Wolbring, Emma Stone, Devva Kasnitz, Swapna McNeil, Ruth Morgan, Elena Iarskia-Smirnova, Kaido Kikkas, Mairian Corker, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Sue Philpott, Washeila Sait, Kay Tisdall, Allison Rowlands, Majid Turmusani, Kelley Johnson, Rannveig Traustadóttir, Lyn Harrison, Lynne Hillier, Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir, Miho Iwakuma, Nancy Breitenbach
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  • Date Published: July 2001
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521797344


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About the Authors
  • Disability and the Life Course, first published in 2001, explores the global experience of disability using a novel life course approach. The book explores how disabling societies impact on disabled people's life experiences, and highlights the ways in which disabled people have acted to take more control over their own lives. It provides a unique combination of analysis, policy issues and autobiography, offering the reader a rare opportunity to make links between the theoretical, the political and the personal in a single volume. The material is set in a truly international context, with contributions from thirteen different countries bringing together established and emerging writers, both disabled and non-disabled. The book bridges some important gaps in the existing disability literature by including issues relevant to disabled people of all ages and with different kinds of impairments and also by offering a unique analysis of the relationship between disability and generation in a changing world.

    • Bridges some important gaps in the existing disability literature
    • Includes issues relevant to disabled people of all ages (children, adults and elders) and with different kinds of impairments (physical, sensory, cognitive)
    • International in its scope with contributions from 13 different countries
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… a welcome addition to the field … As a 'reader' which can be dipped into, the book is excellent.' Journal of Ageing & Society

    'This book is a 'must-read' for anyone interested in how disability is socially constructed around the globe and throughout the life course.' Amazon

    'This is a welcome and timely publication … This book is commendable …' The Journal of The Royal Anthropological Institute

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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2001
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521797344
    • length: 274 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 18 mm
    • weight: 0.43kg
    • contains: 11 b/w illus. 3 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Concepts:
    1. Introduction: the global context of disability Mark Priestley
    2. Repositioning disability and the life course: a social claiming perspective Sarah Irwin
    3. Marginalisation and disability: experiences from the Third World Anita Ghai
    4. Where do we draw the line?: surviving eugenics in a technological world Gregor Wolbring
    5. A complicated struggle: disability, survival and social change in the majority world Emma Stone
    Part II. Methods and Stories:
    6. Life event histories and the US independent living moment Devva Kasnitz
    7. A journey of discovery Swapna McNeil
    8. Using life story narratives to understand disability and identity in South Africa Ruth Morgan
    9. Social change and self empowerment: stories of disabled people in Russia Elena Iarskia-Smirnova
    10. Lifting the Iron Curtain Kaido Kikkas
    11. Revisiting deaf transitions Mairian Corker
    12. The hidden injuries of 'a slight limp' Devorah Kalekin-Fishman
    Part III. The Politics of Transition:
    13. Disabled children: an emergency submerged Sue Philpott and Washeila Sait
    14. Failing to make the transition? Theorising the 'transition to adulthood' for young disabled people Kay Tisdall
    15. Breaking my head in the prime of my life: acquired disability in young adulthood Allison Rowlands
    16. Work and adulthood: economic survival in the majority world Majid Turmusani
    17. The possibility of choice: women with intellectual disabilities talk about having children Kelley Johnson, Rannveig Traustadóttir, Lyn Harrison, Lynne Hillier and Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir
    18. Ageing with disability in Japan Miho Iwakuma
    19. Ageing with intellectual disabilities
    discovering disability with old age: same or different? Nancy Breitenbach
    20. Epilogue Mark Priestley.

  • Editor

    Mark Priestley, University of Leeds


    Mark Priestley, Sarah Irwin, Anita Ghai, Gregor Wolbring, Emma Stone, Devva Kasnitz, Swapna McNeil, Ruth Morgan, Elena Iarskia-Smirnova, Kaido Kikkas, Mairian Corker, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Sue Philpott, Washeila Sait, Kay Tisdall, Allison Rowlands, Majid Turmusani, Kelley Johnson, Rannveig Traustadóttir, Lyn Harrison, Lynne Hillier, Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir, Miho Iwakuma, Nancy Breitenbach

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