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Look Inside Outsider Art

Outsider Art
Contesting Boundaries in Contemporary Culture

Part of Cambridge Cultural Social Studies

Anne E. Bowler, Steve C. Dubin, Vera L. Zolberg, Henry C. Finney, Joni Maya Cherbo, Andras Szanto, Nathalie Heinich, Judy Levine, Maria Shevtsova, Irit Rogoff, Leila Sussman, Juan E. Corradi
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  • Date Published: November 1997
  • availability: Unavailable - out of print
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521589215


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About the Authors
  • Today, the arts are characterised by an unprecedented openness to new possibilities, a shifting of established genres, a melding of unlikely forms, and far greater inclusiveness. How then, without an art world establishment with authority over artistic outcomes, do we determine what constitutes art, and make substantive judgements about different artistic works? Outsider Art explores the historical roots of this post-modern condition and analyses the processes of attaining artistic recognition. Leading sociologists, art historians, policy-makers, and artists themselves examine cases from the performing and the visual arts, each contributes exemplifying aspects, stages and strategies of artistic transformation.

    • Leading contributors from sociology, art history, and arts administration cover visual art, theatre and dance
    • Traces historical origins of contemporary art scene to major cultural shifts in modernist era
    • Re-assesses what makes an art 'establishment' and attitudes to art and artists outside the mainstream
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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 1997
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521589215
    • length: 236 pages
    • dimensions: 246 x 178 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.475kg
    • contains: 40 b/w illus.
    • availability: Unavailable - out of print
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Traditional Outsiders:
    1. Asylum art: the social construction of an aesthetic category Anne E. Bowler
    2. The centrality of marginality: naive artists and savvy supporters Steve C. Dubin
    3. African legacies, American realities: art and artists on the edge Vera L. Zolberg
    Part II. Career Strategies of Outsiders:
    4. Art production and artistic careers: the transition from 'outside' to 'inside' Henry C. Finney
    5. Pop art: ugly duckling to swan Joni Maya Cherbo
    6. Playing with fire: institutionalising the artist at Kostabi World Andras Szanto
    7. Outsider art and insider artists: gauging public reactions to contemporary public art Nathalie Heinich
    Part III. Living in the Cracks:
    8. Art as social service: theatre for the forgotten Judy Levine
    9. Multiculturalism in process: Italo-Australian bilingual theatre and its audiences Maria Shevtsova
    10. In the empire of the object: the geographies of Ana Mendieta Irit Rogoff
    Part IV. Genre Switching:
    11. Colleges and companies: early modern dance in America Leila Sussman
    12. How many does it take to tango? Voyages of urban culture in the early 1900s Juan E. Corradi.

  • Editors

    Vera L. Zolberg, New School for Social Research, New York

    Joni Maya Cherbo


    Anne E. Bowler, Steve C. Dubin, Vera L. Zolberg, Henry C. Finney, Joni Maya Cherbo, Andras Szanto, Nathalie Heinich, Judy Levine, Maria Shevtsova, Irit Rogoff, Leila Sussman, Juan E. Corradi

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