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- ISBN:9780521757461
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):Classics
- Author(s):Keith Maclennan
- Available from: No date available
An exciting series that provides students with direct access to the ancient world by offering new translations of extracts from its key texts.
Horace’s poetry not only sheds light upon his own world, but also provides ways for us to think about our own. This book provides a range of extracts which show how Horace dealt with a wide range of subjects, issues and people.
- Contents
Clear, user-friendly layout is accessible for a range of students, both Classicists and those studying more general topics in Classical and ancient history and civilisation.
New translations of key passages of Latin and Greek written in approachable, readable English that can be easily accessed by all students.
Translation and commentaries by key scholars in the Classical field provide readable, informative texts with broad appeal.
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