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- ISBN:9780521778053
- Format:Spiral bound
- Subject(s):Science
- Author(s):Bryan Milner
- Available from: No date available
An accessible course, comprising pupil books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material and a separate workbook.
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Accessible materials - The carefully-controlled language level and extensive use of images makes these resources accessible to most pupils. Each double-page spread provides a balance of illustrations, text and questions to support introduction of new concepts.
Cost-effective two-book format - Core Science is available as two pupil books to cover the whole of key stage 3.
Separate Science format available - Core Science is also available to support separate science teaching at key stage 3, with separate books for biology, chemistry and physics.
- How Core Physics covers the National Curriculum
- Commentaries
- Worksheets
- Question banks
- Topic tests
- Looking at science investigations: investigating woodlice
- Pupil answer grids
- Topic test marking grids.
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