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Recognising contributions for "the Greatest Benefit to Mankind"
Publisher of more than 190 Nobel Prize Laureates
Nobel Prizes have been awarded since 1901 in recognition of an individual or group’s contributions to ‘the greatest benefit to mankind’ in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace, and later Economic Sciences.
We are proud to have published the works of more than 190 Nobel Prize Laureates in our books, journals and the journals of our partners. These esteemed academics have contributed in topics as varied as consumer behaviour, structural proteins and quantum mechanics. Nobel Prize Laureates who have published with Cambridge include such names as Albert Einstein, Steven Weinberg, Douglass C North, and Angus Deaton. Cambridge is also proud to have published the works of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
In 2017, two Press authors were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize. Kip S. Thorne, editor of Quantum Measurement was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, and Joachim Frank, editor of Molecular Machines in Biology was also jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
In 2018, co-author of the Press-published Industrial Pricing in the United Kingdom, William Nordhaus, shared the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences.
See below the full list of Nobel Prize Laureate book authors published by the Press dating back to 1904.

Nobel Prize Laureates who have published with Cambridge
JJ Thomson (Physics – 1906)
Ernest Rutherford (Chemistry – 1908)
Niels Henrik David Bohr (Physics 1922)
Werner Karl Heisenberg (Physics – 1932)
Sir Charles Scott Sherrington (Medicine – 1932)
Erwin Schrödinger (Physics – 1935)
James Chadwick (Physics – 1935)
Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett (Physics – 1948)
Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (Physics – 1951)
Ernest Hemingway (Literature – 1954)
Lord Alexander J Todd (Chemistry – 1957)
Max Ferdinand Perutz (Chemistry –1962)
Eugene Paul Wigner (Physics – 1963)
Max Born (Physics – 1964)
Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov (Physics – 1964)
Richard P Feynman (Physics – 1965)
Derek HR Barton (Chemistry 1969)
Samuel Beckett (Literature – 1969)
Simon Kuznets (Economics – 1971)
Dennis Gabor (Physics – 1971)
Kenneth J Arrow (Economics – 1972)
Burton Richter (Physics – 1976)
James E Meade (Economics – 1977)
Sir Nevill Francis Mott (Physics – 1977)
Herbert A Simon (Economics – 1978)
Steven Weinberg (Physics – 1979)
Abdus Salam (Physics – 1979)
James ChaSubramanyan Chandrasekhar (Physics – 1983)
Gerard Debreu (Economics – 1983)
Richard Stone (Economics – 1984)
Franco Modigliani (Economics – 1985)
James M Buchanan Jr (Economics – 1986)
Wole Soyinka (Literature – 1986)
Robert M Solow (Economics – 1987)
Pierre–Gilles de Gennes (Physics – 1991)
Robert W Fogel (Economics – 1993)
Douglass C North (Economics – 1993)
Sir Harold W Kroto (Chemistry – 1996)
William Vickrey (Economics – 1996)
Claude Cohen–Tannoudji (Physics – 1997)
William Phillips (Physics – 1997)
Amartya Sen (Economics – 1998)
Gerardus ‘t Hooft (Physics – 1999)
Martinus JG Veltman (Physics – 1999)
James J Heckman (Economics – 2000)
George A Akerlof (Economics – 2001)
Joseph E Stiglitz (Economics – 2001)
Daniel Kahneman (Economics – 2002)
Vernon L Smith (Economics – 2002)
Clive WJ Granger (Economics – 2003)
Anthony J Leggett (Physics – 2003)
Edmund S Phelps (Economics – 2006)
Leonid Hurwicz (Economics – 2007)
IPCC (Peace Prize – 2007)
Elinor Ostrom (Economics – 2009)
Thomas A Steitz (Chemistry – 2009)
Christopher A Pissarides (Economics – 2010)
Peter A Diamond (Economics – 2010)
Christopher A Sims (Economics – 2011)
Alvin E Roth (Economics – 2012)
Angus Deaton (Economics – 2015)
Kip S. Thorne (Physics – 2017)
Joachim Frank (Chemistry – 2017)
William Nordhaus (Economics – 2018)
Michel Mayor (Physics – 2019)
James Peebles (Physics – 2019)
Gregg L. Semenza (Medicine– 2019)
Roger Penrose (Physics– 2020)
Paul Milgrom (Economics– 2020)
Andrea Ghez (Physics– 2020)
Robert Wilson (Economics– 2020)
Klaus Hasselmann (Physics– 2021)
Syukuro Manabe (Physics– 2021)
Giorgio Parisi (Physics– 2021)
Abdulrazak Gurnah (Literature– 2021)
Guido Imbens (Economics– 2021)
Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger (Physics- 2022)
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