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Announcing our exciting new Elements series
About this Cambridge Elements Series
This series presents reviews of topics in applied social psychology. Links between social psychology and applied topics have been longstanding and substantial, and many social psychologists both past and present have worked to use social psychological research to address pressing social issues, from poverty and prejudice to work and health. Papers in the series will provide a review of the research in a particular area while foregrounding the authors’ specific research focus. The length allows authors to develop their ideas and provide context for their research. Authors will discuss applications of their research findings and describe potential topics for future study.
Areas of Interest
Stereotyping and prejudice
Peace and conflict
Social forces
Interpersonal relations
Environmental sustainability
Work and organizations
The legal system
New technologies
About the Editor - Susan Clayton
Susan Clayton is a social psychologist at the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio. Her research focuses on the human relationship with nature, how it is socially constructed, and how it can be utilized to promote environmental concern. Clayton is the author or editor of 5 books and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Environmental Psychology and Social Justice Research.
Want to know more?
Cambridge Elements homepage
Cambridge Elements in Social Science
Contact the Editor
If you would like more information about this series, or are interested in writing an Element, please contact Susan Clayton.
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