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Culture, Biology, and Anthropological Demography

Culture, Biology, and Anthropological Demography

Part of New Perspectives on Anthropological and Social Demography

  • Date Published: November 2004
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521005418


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About the Authors
  • Two distinctive approaches to the study of human demography exist within anthropology today: anthropological demography and human evolutionary ecology. The first stresses the role of culture in determining population parameters, while the second posits that demographic rates reflect adaptive behaviors that are the products of natural selection. Both sub-disciplines have achieved notable successes, but each has ignored and been actively disdainful of the other. This text attempts a rapprochement of anthropological demography and human evolutionary ecology through recognition of common research topics and the construction of a broad theoretical framework incorporating both cultural and biological motivation. Both these approaches are utilized to search for demographic strategies in varied cultural and temporal contexts ranging from African pastoralists through North American post-industrial societies. As such this book is relevant to cultural and biological anthropologists, demographers, sociologists, and historians.

    • Suitable for upper-level undergraduate and/or graduate classes in anthropology and demography
    • Concise overview of both anthropological demography and human evolutionary ecology
    • Case studies dealing with diverse topics of interest to both anthropologists and demographers, e.g. , contemporary Chinese family adoption, sexual behavior and HIV/AIDS, cross-cultural patterns of mating and parental investment
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… Roth's undertaking is to be applauded … Roth draws on an exceptionally wide collection of materials to support his arguments … His first-hand account of how he developed this research focus will be particularly useful for those researchers engaged in or considering such cross-disciplinary work.' Population Studies

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2004
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521005418
    • length: 232 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 151 x 14 mm
    • weight: 0.315kg
    • contains: 19 b/w illus. 26 tables
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Anthropological Demography and Human Ecological Behavioural Ecology:
    1. Two solitudes
    2. Why bother?
    3. Anthropological demography: culture, not biology
    4. Human evolutionary ecology: biology, not culture
    5. Discussion: cultural and biological reductionism
    Part II. Reconciling Anthropological Demography and Human Evolutionary Ecology:
    6. Common ground
    7. Demographic strategies
    8. Reproductive interests: social interactions, life effort and demographic strategies: a Rendille example
    9. Sepaade as male mating effort
    10. Rendille primogeniture as a parenting strategy
    11. Summary: demographic strategies as links between culture and biology
    Part III. Mating Effort and Demographic Strategies:
    12. Mating effort as demographic strategies
    13. Cross-cultural mating strategies: polygyny and bridewealth, monogamy and dowry
    14. Bridewealth and the matter of choice
    15. Demographic and cultural change: values and morals
    16. The end of the sepaade tradition: behavioral tracking and moral change
    Part IV. Demographic Strategies as Parenting Effort:
    17. Parenting effort and the theory of allocation
    18. The Trivers-Willard model and parenting strategies
    19. Parity-specific parental strategies: the case of primogeniture
    20. Local resource competition model
    21. Infanticide and child abandonment: accentuating the negative
    22. Adoption in modern China: stressing the positive
    23. Summary: culture and biology in parental effort
    Part V. Future Research Directions:
    24. The central place of sex in anthropology and evolution
    25. Male sexuality, education and high risk behavior
    26. Final ground: demographic transitions
    Part VI. References Cited.

  • Author

    Eric Abella Roth, University of Victoria, British Columbia
    Eric Abella Roth is Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria, and an Affiliate, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington-Seattle. He has conducted demographic anthropological fieldwork in the Canadian Subarctic, the Sudan and northern Kenya. He has published in various journals, including American Anthropology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Human Biology, Human Ecology, Journal of Anthropological Research, and Social Sciences and Medicine. He is co-editor of the text, African Pastoralist Systems: An Integrated Approach (1994, Lynne Rienner).

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