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Look Inside The Kachins

The Kachins
Their Customs and Traditions

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Anthropology

  • Date Published: April 2012
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108046091


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About the Authors
  • Ola Hanson (1864–1927) was a Swedish-American missionary from Minnesota, posted to northern Burma in 1890. He lived with the Kachin people and became fluent in their language, compiling a word-list and eventually producing a Kachin–English dictionary. Their own culture and complex belief system were orally transmitted: Hanson therefore devised an alphabetical transcription for his translation of the Bible into Kachin, and this writing system later became widespread in Burma. First published in 1913, this book was written after Hanson had lived with the Kachins for over twenty years, and offers a unique insight into their culture at this time. It outlines their origins, dialects, law and weapons, as well as the details of Kachin religious beliefs and ceremonies for births, marriage and death. This book is valuable as both an ethnography of the Kachin and as an example of the perspective of an early twentieth-century missionary.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2012
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108046091
    • length: 278 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 16 mm
    • weight: 0.36kg
    • contains: 24 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. The origin of the Kachins
    2. Kachin dialects
    3. Country, village and home
    4. Appearance and dress
    5. Characteristics, habits and customs
    6. Government and law
    7. Industries
    8. Weapons and warfare
    9. Social life and amusements
    10. Intellectual development
    11. Mythology and traditions
    12. In quest of the unknown
    13. The Kachin religion
    14. Natal ceremonies
    15. Marriage ceremonies
    16. Funeral ceremonies
    17. The future of the Kachins

  • Author

    Ola Hanson

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