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Look Inside The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity

The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity
2 Volume Hardback Set

Ann Marie Yasin, Veronica della Dora, Kim Bowes, Béatrice Caseau, Helen Saradi, Beat Brenk, William Caraher, Yoram Tsafrir, Thelma K. Thomas, Christina Maranci, Robert Ousterhout, Sharon E. J. Gerstel, Cecily J. Hilsdale, Vasileios Marinis, Liz James, Richard Kieckhefer,Charles Bazarber, Kostis Kourelis, Alice-Mary Talbot, Nikolas Bakirtzis, Sarah T. Brooks, Tassos Papacostas, Maria Georgopoulou, Alicia Walker, Jelena Trkulja, Antony Eastmond, Jelena Bogdanović, Marina Falla Castelfranchi, William Tronzo, Stephen Murray, Caroline Goodson, Charles B. McClendon, Sheila Bonde, Clark Maines, Jenny H. Shaffer, Allan Doig, Paula Gerson, T. A. Heslop, Stephen G. Nichols, Walter Cahn, Janice Mann, Arnaud Timbert, Stefaan Van Liefferinge, Conrad Rudolph, Michael T. Davis, Andrew Tallon, Meredith Cohen, Jacqueline E. Jung, Alexandra Gajewski, Jeffrey A.K. Miller, Caroline Bruzelius, Henrik Karge, Kathryn Blair Moore, Linda Elaine Neagley, Ethan Matt Kavaler, Robert Bork, Achim Timmermann, M. Jordan Love, Gerald B. Guest, Matthew M. Reeve, Jean A. Givens, Kathleen Curran, John Beldon Scott, Kristoffer Neville, Andrew Spicer, Richard Wittman, Raymond A. Mentzer, Mårten Snickare, Pierre de la Ruffinière du Prey, Joris Snaet, Krista De Jonge, John H. Alexander, Jason Thomas Ciejka, Dorothy Metzger Habel, Carole Paul, Andrew Hopkins, Susan Klaiber, J. Nicholas Napoli, Saundra Weddle, Barbara Wisch, Alice Jarrard, John E. Moore, Nadja Aksamija, Martha Mel Stumberg Edmunds, Barbara Arciszewska, William Craft Brumfield, Jesús Escobar, Michael Schreffler, Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Evonne Levy, Patrick J. Quinn, Joseph M. Siry, Karla Cavarra Britton, David Stancliffe, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Samuel D. Albert, Richard Hurley, Hannah Malone, Ken Tadashi Oshima, Thomas Barrie, Meredith L. Clausen, Radoslav Zuk, Nicola Delledonne, Niels Jakubiak Andersen, Michael J. Crosbie
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  • Date Published: October 2022
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108471510

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity offers a wide-ranging overview of one of the most important genres of Western architecture, from its origins in the Early Christian era to the present day. Including 103 essays, specially commissioned for these two volumes and written by an international team of scholars, this publication examines a range of themes and issues, including religious building types, siting, regional traditions, ornament, and structure. It also explores how patrons and architects responded to the spiritual needs and cult practices of Christianity as they developed and evolved over the centuries. This publication is richly illustrated with 588 halftones and 70 color plates. 856 additional images, nearly all in color, are available online and are keyed into the text. The most comprehensive and up-to date reference work on this topic, The Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity will serve as a primary reference resource for scholars, practitioners, and students.

    • The most up to date and comprehensive overview of Christian architecture, East and West, from its origins in Late Antiquity up to the present day currently available
    • Explores the development of Christian architecture in tandem with the evolution of Christian liturgy and ritual practices over nearly two millenia
    • Written by an international team of top scholars
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… a truly comprehensive and wide-ranging study of the development of Christian religious architecture, the authors of which deal with Christian architecture in a wide variety of manners and pay proper attention to experience and meaning in addition to form.' Ine Jacobs, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 2022
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108471510
    • length: 1056 pages
    • dimensions: 314 x 235 x 62 mm
    • weight: 4.3kg
    • contains: 588 b/w illus. 70 colour illus.
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture Ann Marie Yasin
    Part II
    Part III. Renaissance and Baroque Christian Architecture John Beldon Scott
    Part IV. Modern Christian Architecture Patrick J. Quinn.

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  • Editor

    Richard A. Etlin, University of Maryland, College Park
    Richard A. Etlin is a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation of the University of Maryland. His books include In Defense of Humanism: Value in the Arts and Letters (1996), Symbolic Space: French Enlightenment Architecture and Its Legacy (1994), Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier: The Romantic Legacy, Modernism in Italian Architecture, 1890–1940 (1994) The Architecture of Death: The Transformation of the Cemetery in Eighteenth-Century Paris (1984). He is also the editor of Art, Culture and Media under the Third Reich and Nationalism in the Visual Arts.). Etlin has held fellowships from The John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Gallery of Art, Dumbarton Oaks, the American Academy in Rome, and Magdalene College, University of Cambridge.


    Ann Marie Yasin, Veronica della Dora, Kim Bowes, Béatrice Caseau, Helen Saradi, Beat Brenk, William Caraher, Yoram Tsafrir, Thelma K. Thomas, Christina Maranci, Robert Ousterhout, Sharon E. J. Gerstel, Cecily J. Hilsdale, Vasileios Marinis, Liz James, Richard Kieckhefer,Charles Bazarber, Kostis Kourelis, Alice-Mary Talbot, Nikolas Bakirtzis, Sarah T. Brooks, Tassos Papacostas, Maria Georgopoulou, Alicia Walker, Jelena Trkulja, Antony Eastmond, Jelena Bogdanović, Marina Falla Castelfranchi, William Tronzo, Stephen Murray, Caroline Goodson, Charles B. McClendon, Sheila Bonde, Clark Maines, Jenny H. Shaffer, Allan Doig, Paula Gerson, T. A. Heslop, Stephen G. Nichols, Walter Cahn, Janice Mann, Arnaud Timbert, Stefaan Van Liefferinge, Conrad Rudolph, Michael T. Davis, Andrew Tallon, Meredith Cohen, Jacqueline E. Jung, Alexandra Gajewski, Jeffrey A.K. Miller, Caroline Bruzelius, Henrik Karge, Kathryn Blair Moore, Linda Elaine Neagley, Ethan Matt Kavaler, Robert Bork, Achim Timmermann, M. Jordan Love, Gerald B. Guest, Matthew M. Reeve, Jean A. Givens, Kathleen Curran, John Beldon Scott, Kristoffer Neville, Andrew Spicer, Richard Wittman, Raymond A. Mentzer, Mårten Snickare, Pierre de la Ruffinière du Prey, Joris Snaet, Krista De Jonge, John H. Alexander, Jason Thomas Ciejka, Dorothy Metzger Habel, Carole Paul, Andrew Hopkins, Susan Klaiber, J. Nicholas Napoli, Saundra Weddle, Barbara Wisch, Alice Jarrard, John E. Moore, Nadja Aksamija, Martha Mel Stumberg Edmunds, Barbara Arciszewska, William Craft Brumfield, Jesús Escobar, Michael Schreffler, Gauvin Alexander Bailey, Evonne Levy, Patrick J. Quinn, Joseph M. Siry, Karla Cavarra Britton, David Stancliffe, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Samuel D. Albert, Richard Hurley, Hannah Malone, Ken Tadashi Oshima, Thomas Barrie, Meredith L. Clausen, Radoslav Zuk, Nicola Delledonne, Niels Jakubiak Andersen, Michael J. Crosbie

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